Page 109 of Addicted
"Ouch. That hurt." Daniel swung back, not capable of putting too much of a hurt on anyone. Where Clay was short and stocky, Daniel was tall and thin as a rail.
"Hey. All my fault." I lifted my hands and smiled as they turned and started after me. I busted through the front door and was halfway across the street by the time they came out of the house. I stood on the other side of the road and laughed at the look on their faces. Joke’s on them.
"Are you coming?" a pissy voice called from behind me.
"Oh fuck," I mumbled and turned around as a smirk lifted my lips. "You still here, baby?"
"You told us to wait," one of her friend's piped in.
"Right. About that." I never got out another word. My two friends grabbed me and together wrestled me to the edge of the dock before launching me off of it.
I hit the water laughing. Payback was hell, and I was grateful for a reason to put the hurt on them soon. I came up in time to get a glass of beer to the face.
"I hope the alligators in this lake eat your dick off." The blonde threw the cup at me.
I lifted my arm and diverted it as a laugh bubbled up in me. "That might be good for everyone around here.
He'd be full for a week."
"Ugh. Get us out of here, Tesa." The girl moved back as I submerged myself under the dark blue water and pushed off toward the dock. Girls were readily available and more than willing to strip for any swinging dick. I was just grateful that the offering was plentiful.
I had only one rule: sleep with them once and never again.
In all my years of fooling around with women, I'd never failed to hold tight to it, and as far as I was concerned, that wasn't going to change for a long time.
I pulled myself up onto the dock and glanced over my shoulder as the blonde turned toward me and tugged her top off. Her breasts were beautiful and big enough to send a shockwave of desire through me.
"See what you're missing?" She shrugged, causing them to bounce.
"I'm right up there in cabin ten-A. When you're ready for the best experience you'll have this side of heaven, come find me. I don't chase women, sweetness. There's no need for it." I turned and jogged across the street, hating myself for not climbing into the boat and giving in to her. It would have been an afternoon of lust, as I have no doubt that each of her friends would have wanted a turn, too, and who was I to deny anyone?
I walked back into the house and pulled my swim trucks off. "You fuckers. You're going down for that."
"Oh yeah?" Clay looked up from the couch about the time I lodged my trunks at him. They smacked him in the face, and I laughed so hard I had to reach out and grab the table next to me.
"Yeah, bitch. Where's Daniel? I need to slap him around a little." I walked down the hall as Clay chunked my suit at me.
"Get something on. No one in here wants to see your ugly, white ass, and Daniel is shitting his guts out. He's scared of you, remember?" Clay called at me as the front door open.
I turned back, hoping to shock Derek with my nudeness, finding him and a pretty girl, instead. He was talking about something and had his head turned around toward her, but her? She was watching me.
Her eyes widened and she gasped as she pointed at me. "Wow."
"Yep. Home grown." I nodded at Derek as he turned to see what was going on.
"Brody. Shit, man." He moved in front of the girl, and I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a hand towel and a beer. I dried my hair and walked back into the living room as Derek was trying to hustle the girl out of the house.
"You should stay. We're playing strip poker. I just suck at cards." I turned my attention back to Clay, who was chuckling.
"You're a fucker, you know that?"
I dropped down on the couch beside him, slapping at his feet to make room for me. I opened my beer and dropped the towel in my lap. No need to make everyone overly jealous.
"Yeah? I kinda like me." I took a long drink of the beer and leaned back, letting out a long breath. "Most women like me, too."
"Yeah, yeah. God's gift to women and shit. We all know." Clay nudged my arm with his foot. "You're going to find some intelligent, sexy minx one day, and you know what's going to happen?"
I looked over at him. "We're going to fuck like rabbits?"