Page 141 of Addicted
"You're too funny." Cindy glanced over her shoulder. "Did Derek tell you I made a new dessert for you guys?"
Derek piped up. "For me, girl. For me."
"For all of us." I picked up a pillow on the couch and tossed it across the room to him.
"For all of you." She smiled and turned her attention on Derek. "You want a beer?"
"A pretty redhead who can dance, cook, and offers to get me a beer?" Derek let out a long dramatic sigh and let his head fall back. "Marry me, Cindy."
"I need to make sure you're good in bed first, but if so...then yes." She giggled and walked toward the kitchen as a genuine smile lifted my lips. I turned to follow her as Derek continued to sing the girl's praises.
Cora glanced over at me from the kitchen table, but I ignored her. She was damaged goods. Better let Daniel handle her, instead. He was the sensitive type of guy.
I would hang out for a little while and then be on my way. There was no need to stand around in hopes of something that wasn't going to happen.
"You know," Cindy turned from the counter where she was working on uncovering a bowl of dip, "if you work on being friends rather than trying to get her in bed, it might work."
"I don't need it to work, but thanks." I kept my voice soft and friendly, even though I felt the exact opposite. I wasn't a lovesick fool with my eyes on one woman. I was interested in the sexy brunette at the kitchen table for a few hours of sweaty fun. Nothing else. Obviously, I was giving off the wrong vibe to everyone, seeing that they were all handing out advice or teasing the hell out of me over her.
"I'm sure you don't, but we have the rest of the summer, and if I was going to go after anyone on this whole lake, it would be Cora." Cindy shrugged. "She's the full deal. Smart, beautiful, sexy, funny, daring, strong, and the best friend we all have."
I glanced over at her as my heart swelled in my chest. It wasn't love. It was infatuation to know the woman Cindy was talking about. I'd seen enough of that around the edges of the cold-hearted bitch that had Daniel laughing like a school girl, but I wanted to see more.
"I'm sure she is, Cindy, but she's not interested, and I'm not the kind of man who chases after a woman. I'm just not." I opened the bag of chips closest to me and walked over with a chip in hand. "Now, stop trying to sell me off to the nearest available girl and let me taste your dip."
She smirked and held out the bowl. "You're lucky that cowboy in the other room is so cute, or I'd let you do more than taste my dip."
I laughed. "Good to know."
"What are you two giggling over?" Emily walked into the kitchen and picked up the bag of chips. "Oooo, is this Cindy's enchilada dip?"
"No clue, but it's fucking amazing." I reached over for a few more chips as the flavor of the dip rushed across my tongue. It had to be one of the best things I'd ever tasted.
"It's the taco dip, but close enough." She gave us a sweet smile. "Do you guys really like it, or are you just being nice."
"Just being nice. It tastes like shit." I grabbed the bowl and the bag of chips and walked to the living room. "I'll take one for the team and eat it all."
"No, you won't." Cora walked into the living room and sat down beside me.
Daniel dropped down beside her.
"What's the big deal with the dip?" He pulled his glasses off and cleaned them. "Is it really that good?"
"The best." Cora reached for the chips, but I pulled the bag away.
"What do you say when you want something someone else has?" I let my eyes move down to the thickness of her bottom lip, wondering how good it would feel pressed between mine. She had to taste like passion and feel like heaven.
"Give me the chips or I'll kick you in the crotch?" She smirked and reached for the chips.
I leaned in, unable to help myself.
Her breath caught as I paused just before kissing her and let my eyes move up to lock onto hers. Being close to her tore down my facade and stripped me for the moment.
"You say, please," I whispered and licked at my lips before moving back and handing her the bag.
The slight widening of her eyes and the fast ticking along the side of her neck left me with no doubt that she was at least curious. Maybe not interested, but curious.
"Please." She took a chip and dipped it into the dip before handing it to Daniel, who was standing up, looking around. "Here. Try it."