Page 234 of Addicted
He laughed and nodded toward the bar. "That guy? He's not even your type, Viv. I'm your type."
"You were my type. You're nothing to me now. How could you be? You traded everything we had for a few nights of passion with others." I glanced to my left, catching Easton's strong gaze. He didn't look happy at all, and the very thought of him being upset over me and Jackson thrilled a part of my heart that was turning icy far too fast.
"I messed up, okay? We both know that." He slid his hands back to cup my rear, and I pushed at his chest, not willing to play his game.
"Yeah, you did, and I'm not sure what the fuck you're doing in Miami when you had to have known that I would be here too." I narrowed my eyes at him. "You knew I was here, didn't you?"
"I actually didn't. I assumed you'd go to Jamaica. Remember we used to always talk about having our honeymoon there." He reached up and brushed his thumb over my cheek. "I love you. I always have. You're the only woman I could even think about spending my life with, Viv."
"I'm not doing this here. I can't." I pushed at his chest once more and broke the contact. "I wasn't enough, remember?"
Tears burned my gaze as he reached for me. "I was being a dumbass. I broke it off because I thought I could find better, but I can't. I want you. I'll always want you."
"She's taken." Easton's voice was low and ominous as he tugged at my arm and moved in between me and Jackson. "And she's dancing with me now, so fuck off."
I turned and moved into Easton’s arms as he wrapped them tightly around me, molding his b
ody to mine and dancing with the music. I pressed my face to his chest and tightened my hold on him as a soft sob racked my body. The very last thing I wanted to do was let Easton know anything about me, especially all my relationship dysfunction. It was something I was hoping to hide for just a few more days from him.
Just a few more days and I would have been on a plane, headed back to my life, and you could get back to yours.
"Shhh. It's okay." He kissed the side of my hair and spoke to Jackson a few more seconds, but I ignored them, needing so badly to forget everything and everyone, even for just a night.
Easton’s strong hands massaged the back of my neck as I lifted my face to his and tried to speak. Nothing came out and he gave me a smile that wasn't filled with pity, but adoration.
"You don't need to say anything. I forced Casey to tell me a little bit about it. You can hate me later." He moved down and brushed his nose past mine. "No wonder you're so guarded."
"I just want to understand why. If I knew what I did then maybe I could–”
"No. People who are cheated on don't do anything to deserve that shit. It's all on him, Vivian. It has little to nothing to do with you." His eyes moved around my face as his body hardened against mine. "You're so far beyond beautiful, so innocent and kind. He's a fucking idiot."
I pressed against the sexy man holding me and slid my hands over his hips as I closed my eyes and tried to imagine myself as he said I was. It wasn't possible, but it didn't matter. I wanted to feel the intense sensation of being wanted, even if it was a lie that would slip through my fingers the next morning.
"He's all I know." I turned my head to look back at the bar.
Jackson and Casey were in each other's faces, but they had been our whole lives. It was nothing new, and he wouldn't hurt Casey no matter what. They were like siblings, which was half the fun of sharing life with both of them.
"Then you need to get out more. Not everything has to be a heart-breaking love story." Easton slid his hands along my face as I turned my attention back toward him. His piercing green eyes studied me, his lips so soft and wet.
"What if I want a love story? What if I'm not the girl that can have a one-night stand? It's just not in my blood to be anything other than what I am." I spun and pressed my back to his chest, rolling my hips as the song shifted to something sensual and naughty. "How do I become her and live in that life for a while? How do I get that break in reality?"
His hand spayed out across my stomach as he leaned down and licked just below my ear. "I'm not sure, but I want to help you find out. Getting over this dick-wad by the bar might just be the opening yourself up to casual dating for fun. Live a little?"
He was right, and yet another part of me lamented over the fact that all he was willing to give was a few nights of fun. I kept returning to the same conversation with myself over and over about not needing a man in my life. It would seem it was the only sane way to get through any of the shit I had currently facing me.
I lifted my arm in the air and arched my back, pressing my ass against Easton's arousal and moaning softly as he rocked it against me over and over until my body cried out for penetration.
Turning, I glanced up at him and took a sharp breath. "I want to be someone else tonight."
"I like you just the way you are." He leaned down and brushed his lips by mine. "Just stop being mad at me. I'm struggling too, if you haven't noticed."
"One night. One night to see what this is between us." I ran my fingers by his lips and cried out quietly as he sucked two of my fingers deep into his mouth. "I need you."
He pulled back and slid his hands over the curve of my rear as he rocked against me again. "Then let's get out of here and go back to the hotel. I'll give you anything you want. Anything you need."
Lust pumped through me in violent waves, far harder than anything else I'd felt before. I wasn't the type of woman to spend the night with a stranger, but maybe it was time for that to change. My life hadn't panned out so well thus far. Maybe a subtle shift to elevate pleasure above all else would help. Everyone else seemed to do it.
"Get the fuck off my girl." Jackson's tone was loud and immediately set me on edge. He was the kind of guy who loved a good fight more than anything else.