Page 365 of Addicted
"No. Turkey bacon and egg whites." She smiled like she'd created something incredible from scratch.
I tried not to show my disdain. Besides, being rude wasn't at all my style. Nefarious? Wicked? Yes. Rude? Hell no.
"Sounds delicious." I dropped my towel and she moved over, reaching around me to stroke my cock a few times before pulling on it softly.
"Let me taste you one more time, Finn. Then we'll eat."
I glanced at the clock and let out a short sigh. "Yeah. Alright. One more time, but only because you need it. You need it, right?"
"Yes. So bad." She moved to her knees and leaned in, taking me in her mouth as she slid her hands up my thighs and latched onto my hips. I was a big guy, but she seemed to have been with a few of us. Her moans filled the air as I hardened. She picked up her pace, and I groaned loudly.
"Good, you eat and I'll get mine in a minute." I stroked her hair and closed my eyes as heat rose deep in my belly.
My phone buzzed and I hated to stop her, but my Dad was an asshole without reason. To give him one just meant my life would be hell for another day.
"Hold up, baby girl." I pulled away from her as she pouted.
The text was from my old man. He needed me in early and wanted me to grab donuts for the guys.
"Shit." I grumbled and reached for her, helping her to her feet and kissing her once more before tugging my jeans on. "They need me in now. I'll call you tonight."
"Give me your number and I'll text you today."
"Nope. I'd be hard all day. Not happening." I popped her ass and jogged for the door. "Thanks for last night. Best night of my life."
"Me, too!" she yelled after me.
I grabbed a piece of turkey bacon from the plate on my way by and spit it out in the yard before chucking the rest out in the large, snowed-over parking lot at her place.
"Disgusting. Turkey bacon? What the hell is that?"
I got in my truck and turned on the radio. I wasn't interested in commitment. It never turned out well for me, anyway. Sex was all they were getting and all I was asking for.
Don't like it? Fuck off.
* * * *
"You're late." My father looked up from his desk in the back of the warehouse.
I lifted the bags of donuts and shrugged. "You asked for breakfast and told me to come in an hour early."
"That doesn't change the fact that you're late. Go drop those off in the kitchen and hand out schedules for today. Then, come see me."
He handed me a stack of schedules. Each guy would be given two or three locations to shovel or plow, and if they got done early, they just called in for more. My dad glanced back down, and I stood there for a minute more before turning and doing what was asked of me.
My dad’s dark hair was buzz cut and his eyes dark blue, which made him look like a military man with a kiss my ass attitude. It was pretty close to the truth, and he was a good looking old guy, but he never dated. My mom had been dead for over 10 years, and where I still missed her, he was still lost in the pain of losing her. I had tried a million times to set him up with some of the middle-aged women in the town. They were more than willing, but he wasn't. Shame, really.
"Here's your donuts and your schedules, you bitches."
I walked into the break room and got a warm reception. It was the food, no doubt. My father had ten to twelve guys working for him – some of them friends of mine from high school, but mostly transients.
The majority of my friends had gone to college or off to the military, but as my father's only child, I figured he needed someone he could trust to help run his ever-expanding business. Too bad he didn't seem to like me most days.
"Hey, donut boy." Cliff, one of the older guys, walked up and extended his schedule toward me. "I'll pay you fifty bucks to switch me schedules. I need to use a mover today. Pulled my back out yesterday working on that damn tree Martha gets every year."
I tugged the schedule from his fingers and gave him mine as I growled. "Damn. All of these are shovellings."
"Yep. Sucks. Being the new guy on the crew means kissing a few asses to get a decent schedule. I'm not an ass kisser, so welcome to my world."