Page 376 of Addicted
"Wow. I'm great. My God, it's been like six years, right?"
"Since before college, but yeah. I've been traveling the world with my family, but we're finally back. I wanted to see where you were. I know your dad usually made you guys go to Aspen during this time of the year, but wasn't sure."
"I'm here, girl. Hating every minute of it."
"No, you're not, but either way, that's great news. You remember Janet and Kinsey, right?"
I rolled my eyes and nodded my head. "Remember by best friends from high school? Of course, I do, silly. I spoke to Janet around March this last year. Funny how growing up means losing touch with people that you thought would always be in your life.”
"Well, they're in Vail right now, and I've got a layover in Aspen tonight. I just realized that I should call you guys to see if you're up for getting together."
"Tonight?" I glanced at my watch. It was only ten, which gave me plenty of time to finish my shopping, get home, and get ready before they showed up.
"Yeah. I know it’s short notice, but if I can get the others to make the trip down, you think you want to meet up? Does your dad have an extra room I can stay in?"
"I'd love to, and of course. I'll get a room ready for you. Need me to get you from the airport?" I turned and followed a cute guy with shoulder-length hair and a great ass.
"No, just text me the address. I'll have the others meet us at a restaurant of your choice. Sound good?"
"Perfect. I'll see you later." I hung up and texted the address, not realizing the hottie I'd been staring down was now standing in front of me.
"Heya. How goes it?" He reached up and ran his fingers through his hair, looking awfully young now that he was closer.
"It goes. Love the hair. It's a good look for you." I smiled and turned to pull a shirt off the rack.
"So, new here?" He moved up beside me as I lifted the shirt up and turned it around slowly.
r /> "This would be so much better in a muted blue, right? These bright colors must shine against the white of the snow and blind the fuck out of everyone."
He laughed and extended his hand. "Daniel. Nice to meet you."
"I'm Chloe. Nice to meet you, too. You ski?"
"Snowboard, but I can tear up some shit on a pair of skis, too. You?"
"Nope. I'm a California girl."
"I should have guessed." He smiled, and I lifted an eyebrow. "I mean with your tan and pretty blonde hair. You just look like a typical beach babe."
"Thanks? I think." I laughed and put the shirt back before walking through the store as the cute guy tagged along.
"Definitely a compliment. We should get a burger sometime together." He moved to open the door for me and I nodded.
"Yeah, sure. Give me your number and I'll text you."
He extended his hand. "Give me your phone and I'll put it in there."
I handed it to him and let my eyes scan the other shops in the area. Something inside of me wanted to be like everyone else. I was completely out of place in the busy mountain town. My clothes were a perfect ringer for someone who hit the slopes, but I was a fake at best.
He handed the phone back and smiled. "Nice to meet you, Chloe. Call me and I'll show you around."
"Okay. Thanks."
I put the phone in my pocket and walked over to the elaborate hardwood lodge just next door. The skis were half off for the afternoon on rentals and the bunny slopes showed light traffic. I rented a pair and put them on before changing my mind.
I was stuck in Aspen for at least two more weeks and staying in the house would be the death of me. I needed fresh air, sunsets, and waves, but sun, snow, and wind would have to suffice. The lifts were located at the back of the lodge and after finally making my way through a crowd of rowdy teenagers, I moved out into the wintery outdoors.
I walked awkwardly to the next lift and almost made it to the stop where the lift would swing in and pick me up before my ski caught on something. I flew forward, letting out a yelp as my head was projected to smack against the large rock in front of me.