Page 446 of Addicted
"No, but you can tell me if you want." I gave him a shit-eating grin.
He chuckled. "I'm not saying anything other than this: it's a gift, but it's a project, too, so if you don't want it when you get it, it will not hurt my feelings if you want to give it back."
"Give it back? Are you crazy? You might be a huge pain in my butt, but you give the best gifts ever." I winked and walked to the house. "I'm helping Finn get settled in tonight, but I'll be in later. You want to watch a movie with me and Parker?"
"A western?" he asked and picked up his hand-towel.
"How about The Grinch?"
"Count me out." He rolled his eyes.
I laughed. "Too close to home?"
"Watch it, missy, and be careful on the roads."
* * * *
I drove to Finn's with a lightness about me that felt so good. I couldn't wait to tell him the story about our dads, which in all honesty was heartbreaking.
His truck was back out front, as was his father's large pick-up. I parked beside Finn's and got out, pulling out a bag of treats I'd worked on for the last day or so to keep him in a holiday spirit.
I knocked on the door, not wanting to use my key in case his father wasn't aware that I had one.
"Come in!" Finn called out, and I walked in, smiling at both of them as they sat on the couch.
Finn's foot was propped up on several pillows on the coffee table, and he was wrapped in blankets with a glass of water in his hand.
"Hey, guys." I sat the treats on the counter and moved to sit beside Clark on the couch. "Everything go okay with getting out of the hospital?"
"Yeah. He's got to be careful with those crutches in the snow and no getting that cast wet, but other than that, he's doing good." Clark reached over and squeezed my hand gingerly.
"And, the concussion?" I looked over at Finn, chuckling at the look on his face.
"You're not my mother, you're my girlfriend. Get over here and give me a kiss, dammit." Finn leaned forward and took my hand, tugging at me.
I got up and moved to his side of the couch, sitting down and giving him a quick kiss.
"Dad, time for you to go. Nice of you to visit. Don't be a stranger." Finn leaned forward and sat his beer on the coffee-table.
Clark laughed and stood up as I shoved Finn's shoulder.
"Don't be rude. Your dad can stay and watch a movie with us or something." I winked at Clark.
He acted like he was going to sit back down. "Yeah, sure. Why not."
"Get out!" Finn pushed at him and we both laughed.
"Alright. Call if you need me. I'll see you tomorrow, Finn."
"Thanks for everything, Dad."
I got up and walked to the kitchen with Clark. "I made some cookies and fudge. You want to take some back to the office so you and Milly can try it out?"
"Hey. Is that stuff for me?" Finn called from the living room.
"Hush." I glanced over my shoulder and winked at the sexy guy on the couch.
"Naw. Keep it for the boy. He's got a wicked sweet tooth."