Page 28 of Billionaire Beast
Chapter Sixteen
My alarm clock sounded what felt like ten minutes after I went to sleep and I rolled over and slapped the thing from the bedside table to the floor. It chirped out its annoying reminder, so I had to get up and kill it.
After shutting it off and returning it to its place, I grabbed my phone and unplugged it from the charger, checking to see if Aiden had texted me again. He had, and the guilt was burning in me. I didn’t have time for a long conversation, so I decided to tell him good morning and that I had another shift starting soon. I typed out the messaged and then headed to the shower.
I thought of the shower we’d had together and how he’d tied me up. Heat spread through my core, awakening a need that I didn’t have time to tend. I tried to ignore the desire, but as my hand slipped downward to wash, I couldn’t help working myself up a quick release. Aiden had me so worked up and full of emotions.
After I’d dressed and headed in, I checked my phone again and saw that he’d responded. He wanted to see me and remembering how much of me he’d seen, I wondered what his true feelings were. Was I another toy or did he really like me for more than sex? I hadn’t helped things much with my eagerness, but something about him and that scraggly beard had my panties wet every time I was around him.
“Good morning, Lexa.” Dr. Rob’s deep tones were so warm he could melt butter, and I turned around and gave a little wave as he passed.
“Good morning, Doctor.” Even though he was supposed to talk to me about our pending date, he kept walking. I didn’t take it so personally because he was, after all, a very important and busy man. But a part of me was relieved that he hadn’t stopped.
I wasn’t sure it would be a good idea to go out with him again, considering the fact that I was sleeping with Aiden. Sure we haven’t made anything official or even discussed a relationship, but considering I’d slept with him twice, I thought I should at least find out where we stood.
It was a crazy thought, and I knew it. Even if Aiden wanted something, he had no clue who I really was, and learning that would be a total game changer. There was nothing between us.
Besides, Dr. Rob was more my speed, and I’d always thought I’d end up with someone in the medical field. But even though Dr. Rob had a great sense of humor, a sparkling personality, and was attractive, I didn’t know if he wanted more than a date or a good time.
Could I go through with anything more knowing I’d be thinking about Aiden the entire time? Crap. What if Aiden found out and got angry? It wasn’t like he’d have any right, but dammit, the thought of him with someone else made my stomach turn.
With his looks and money, he could have his pick, and who’s to say I was the only woman he’d been seeing? He could have a whole line of women waiting for a chance with him, or second chance, or a third. I could only take his word for it, though he did seem interested in me — at least enough to stay in touch.
I’d dated a few men who never called when you wanted them to, and now I feared I was doing the same thing to Aiden. Surely, he wasn’t sitting around waiting for me to call. He had responsibility and his own life to keep him busy. I wondered what he did all day. Maybe he had a little black book he was filling. The idea twisted in the pit of my stomach as bile hit the back of my throat. I didn’t want to think about it anymore.
I shouldn’t be so hung up on him that I was lost in thoughts about him. What could I say to him? Hey, I’m the sister of the man whose family is trying to ruin your life? That wouldn’t go over well.
Kathy approaching made me jump, and she stopped and placed her arm on mine. “Girl, what’s gotten you so rattled lately? I’ve never seen you so scatterbrained, and I think Dr. Rob is starting to notice. I’ve seen the two of you talking and wondered if he was getting onto you.”
I knew she meant after I’d knocked over the carts and reacted to Aiden’s name being announced in the ER. Word had spread that I knew him and that I had practically froze up. The ER staff was infamous for their gossip, which was why I wouldn’t tell her we were planning a date.
“It’s nothing, just the stress of the lawsuit. I told you how my parents are suing the Walker estate. It’s getting ugly, and you know I’m against it. As a matter of fact, I’ve been seeing him.”
She narrowed her eyes and gave me a sideward glance. “You’ve been seeing him how?” The guilt in my expression had her clutching her chest, her mouth gaping. “Oh.”
“Yeah, and worse than that, I think I’m falling for him.”
“Doesn’t get any worse than that.” She covered her mouth and gawked at me as if expecting me to agree.
“Well, you would think so, right??
? I shifted on my feet and looked to the floor.
“Oh no, I bet your parents were pissed. Are they still going through with it?”
“They don’t know about us and technically, neither does he.”
“Wait, I’m really confused.” We waited as a couple of people passed, giving them polite smiles, and then she pulled me closer. “Explain.”
“I haven’t exactly told him who I am.” Her eyes widened, but I didn’t want another lecture. Kathy was usually a great listener, but I could always count on her opinion. “No, I’m ending it.” I watched the relief ease her pained expression, but then shook her head.
“He’s going to find out, anyway, not to mention you’re already hooked. You’re so screwed.”
I nodded in agreement. “Now you know why I’ve been so rattled. I swear, I don’t know what else to do.”
“I heard he threw a fit in here, has a real temper when he doesn’t get his way. You better be careful with his type. Sometimes those rich men think they own the world or at least can control it. I don’t want to see you getting hurt. Ending it is for the best before you get too attached to the point of no return.”