Page 37 of Billionaire Beast
Mother cut her meat with a scowl, and I wondered if she was picturing Aiden. “It’s only if needed, and besides, it wouldn’t hurt you to help out if you can.”
I wanted to push my chair back and storm away, but I didn’t want to make Bre angry. Instead, I bit my tongue and tried to eat my dinner. Mom’s cooking had nothing on Aiden’s maid, Mattie.
Thinking of him made my guts twist even more, but I choked down another forkful to keep my mouth too busy to speak up. There was no chance I’d ever have any type of relationship with him where he and my parents would get along. And, no chance of us ever having a sit-down meal together where we shared our lives and polite conversation the way we had when Shawn was alive.
“Are you listening to me, Alexandra?” Mother tapped her fork against her plate, and I lifted my eyes to meet hers. “I asked you if you could help out.”
“No, I believe you told me I would. It’s not like either of you have cared much about my opinions on this lawsuit, so maybe it is best that I stay out of it.” I released a long breath as Bre met my eyes for a moment, as if to tell me again how much I needed to stop seeing Aiden.
“I think you’ll change your tune when we end up with his money. You could take some time away from that job of yours and go on those lavish vacations you always dream of. It could go a long way, especially after your father and I are gone. It’s more money than any of us will ever need.”
She spoke like it was the most practical thing in the world, and my stomach turned thinking that if she won the money, it would one day go to me. If there was anything left that she didn’t spend, that is. I didn’t want it. Not a dime.
“If it’s more money than you’ll ever need, then why are you, so hell bent on taking it from a man who has lost his entire family?” Bre’s words shocked me as she had spoken my thoughts.
“I beg your pardon?” Mother glared up at Bre as if she had no right to speak.
“You said you don’t need it, and quite frankly, I have to agree with Lexa.”
Mother laughed nervously as if she had no idea what to think of Bre speaking up. “Well, thank you for your opinion, Breanna. I’ll be sure and remember that the next time I consider your opinion on personal family matters.”
Bre stood from her chair. “You’re right, Mrs. Patterson. I’m not family. I’ve only sat at this table as a friend of Lexa’s our entire lives because I care about her. And for once, I wish you’d consider for five minutes what you’re doing to your daughter and think about someone other than yourself for a change.” She stormed out, and I dropped my fork on my plate and pushed my own chair back.
“Way to go, Mother.” I hurried out after Bre and found her waiting in the car.
I dug out my keys and slid into the seat beside her. “Thanks for that.”
“No problem. I always knew one day I’d snap.” We both shared a laugh before she released a long breath while my Camaro roared to life.
“I’m surprised you’ve waited this long.” I pulled out of the drive and onto the street. “Where to now?”
“Some place where I can get a beer.”
The only place I could think of echoed in my mind with Aiden’s voice: Jay’s Pub.
Chapter Twenty-One
Smitty was halfway through a dirty joke when Glen’s eyes widened. I glanced over my shoulder to see what he was looking at and nearly fell off my stool. Standing at the door were Lexa and another girl, both clutching their expensive handbags as if they’d gotten lost down a dark alley in the wrong part of town.
A few of the men in the place whistled, and Lexa grabbed hold of her friend’s hand to keep her from bailing.
“Be right back.” I hurried across the room as the laughter from Smitty’s foul joke filled the air, and I startled Lexa as I walked up beside her and took her hand.
“Aiden! Thank God. I thought we’d come to the wrong place, and, well, this isn’t exactly what I thought it would be.”
“This is the place; I’m surprised you remembered. I didn’t think you’d ever show up here. I thought I made it clear it wasn’t exactly the type of place you’d be caught dead in.” I knew I had tried.
“Yeah, but I figured since you came here, it couldn’t be so bad. Not that it’s terrible, but I’ve never seen so much denim and leather in one room before.” She glanced at the table where some of the local bikers had gathered.
“They’re harmless, but it’s been a while since they’ve seen a woman as clean as you come in here.” Her friend coughed, covering her mouth and mumbling her name.
Lexa spun around and pulled her closer to her hip. “This is Bre. She’s been my best friend since we were kids.”
The girl offered a smile. “Nice to meet you. Can I get a beer?” Bre seemed more relaxed than Lexa, but kept her close regardless.
“Sure, come on up to my place.” I led them to the row of empty stools beside mine.