Page 65 of Billionaire Beast
“Surely it’s more than that, but if it’s not, it’s ladies first in the bell ringing department.” That earned a laugh, and he reached across from the stick shift and rested his hand on my knee.
“You look beautiful.”
I glanced over, and he met my eyes for a moment until it was time to downshift and make a turn.
“I’m wearing last night’s clothes, and I’ve got a cowlick from lying against your sweaty arm.” I tried to smooth my hair back, but it was no use. I could feel the bump.
“I’ll take you to your house when we’re done, and you can get freshened up. I’m taking you to lunch, and then we have plans.”
“We do? What are we going to do?” I fluttered my lashes at him, and he nodded.
“Mhm, I’m going to kiss you a while, too.”
“Just kiss?” I lifted my chin and turned my eyes to the window.
“I said too.” Heat blossomed between my legs when he squeezed my knee.
“Easy, boy. We’ll have to take a detour.” We shared a laugh as he passed a sign that read Walker & Connor Attorneys At Law, and then he turned into a small parking garage that was still too big for one office alone. I realized that this building housed many others.
We parked in a space labeled for Mr. Walker, and I noticed Mr. Connor’s car was next to ours, a shiny black Stingray.
I met Aiden at the back of the Shelby, and he took my hand. I wondered what a sight we’d be walking in together, but I had no idea what kind of audience to expect. The office was crowded, and there were other names on doors and signs that I walked by too fast to read. Voices called out hello, Mr. Walker as we passed and Aiden nodded and said a few hellos of his own. I smiled, but knew I looked wild-eyed as we breezed through.
Finally, we came to a door, and he knocked. It opened, and the attorney I’d seen at the courthouse stood on the other side. His eyes widened, and his face paled as he stepped aside. He hadn’t expected to see me, and as I walked into his office, I hadn’t expected to see my parents.
They seemed equally shocked, and I got a sickening feeling as Aiden clenched my hand and pulled me closer. My mother’s eyes were wide, and she reached out and took my father’s arm as if it best to keep hold of something she knew was real.
“Alexandra.” My mother pulled her lips in tight and looked away, but my father shook his head and released a long breath.
“I know this comes as a shock, but you’re going to have to get over it. I love him, and we’re going to be together, settlement or not.” My father went to open his mouth, but I cut him off. “I love you both, but I’m going to do what I want to make myself happy for a change and-”
“I love your daughter. I mean, I’m aware that you hate me, but I’m hoping that once I’ve settled up, we can find a way to make the best of this and hopefully, you’ll accept me as part of Lexa’s life. I’m prepared to pay the judgment and assure you that as soon as my accountant gets things lined out, I’ll be back down to sign the papers. He said it should be sometime next week, but I assure you it’s coming.” Aiden’s tone was very demanding, but he kept his eyes focused straight on my parents.
A hush fell over the room as we waited for them to respond. My father sat up in his chair and straightened his belt, and my mother’s lips were pulled in so tight that she looked like she didn’t have a mouth. Then a giggle broke the silence, bubbling in her throat and tumbling from her mouth. The men in the room were all smiles, and Layne’s cheeks were so red with blush that he matched his crimson necktie.
Aiden and I exchanged a glance, and I was certain they had all gone crazy.
“What the hell is going on?” Aiden shook his head, and I tugged on his arm to keep him close.
My father leaned forward in his chair. “We came in to tell you that we’ve decided, with much prodding from our daughter, to decline the settlement.”
Aiden’s eyes narrowed, and he looked to his lawyer who nodded and straightened his tie, the face still matching as his bright smile beamed. “I wanted you to come down so they could tell you themselves and so you could sign the agreement. We’ll have to send it before the judge, of course.”
I dropped Aiden’s hand and stepped forward toward my parents. “You’re really not going to take the money?” The both shook their heads, and my mother took my hand.
“We didn’t think it was right in light of everything you told us. We’ve all suffered enough, and we didn’t want Mr. Walker to think we’d put you up to anything. We could tell how heartbroken you were.” She wiped a stray tear from her cheek, and I fell into her arms.
“Thank you.”
“We’re just so surprised to see you two together.” She smiled at Aiden, and I pulled away from her and fell against his side.
“I appreciate your gesture, but I’m going to have to insist you allow me to pay what the judge declared fair. I’m prepared to pay it, and I’d like to make things right. Shawn was a good guy, and I know my sister loved him. She would want me to do the right thing.”
My father raised a hand and shook his head. “I can’t allow it. I wouldn’t want any bad feelings between us with you and Lexa being involved.”
“I’d feel better about it,” Aiden argued.
I knew them both well enough to know they’d keep up the back and forth for hours if we stood by and let them, so I decided to make a suggestion that might work in both of our favors.