Page 67 of Billionaire Beast
“Yeah, well, I can respect that.”
“She was worried you’d had gotten physical with me. I think that was why she wanted to feel you out. I assured her you hadn’t, but she’s been through that, so she wanted to make sure I wasn’t keeping things from her.” My heart dropped like a stone to my gut as I pulled into the restaurant.
“I’m sorry I put my hands on you the way I did.”
“You didn’t hit me.” She shook her head and waved me off.
“No, I didn’t, but I wanted it to affect you like I had. I wanted you to think I was capable, and I’m not. That was all a ruse to make you hate me. I thought if you did you’d stay away and… Well, it was wrong. I’m sorry for it and ashamed.” I felt her hand on my leg, and she leaned over and kissed my cheek.
“Aiden, I know you. I know your heart, and I didn’t think for a moment you’d hurt me like that.”
“Well, I was taught better. My father told me not to ever lay my hands on any woman while I was angry, and even though I didn’t do it with force, it was wrong. And, my words were wrong, too. You deserved better.”
“Not after what I did.” She looked away toward her window, but stayed close as I parked.
I stopped the car and pulled her close. “We’ve been over that. It’s time to move forward. We’re going to go in there and have a nice family dinner. I’m going to win your parents’ hearts, and then we’re going back to my house for dessert.” I tugged her closer as I kissed her deeply, her mouth soft and tasting like fruit gum.
We broke the kiss, and she nuzzled against my neck for a moment. “That sounds perfect. I never thought we’d get this far, with family dinners and you winning my parents over.”
“We’re only getting started. I promise.”
We got out of the car when we saw her parents arriving and waited for them before going inside. I held the door for her mother, and as she gave me a polite smile, I could see how much Lexa favored her. Another thing that I’d noticed before but didn’t understand why.
Once we had our seats and ordered our food, the conversation fell toward the foundation. Lexa’s face lit up each time she spoke of it, and I was honored that she’d thought to include my sister. I’d made charitable donations in all of their names after the funerals, but the foundation will be a good honor to all of their memories, no matter whose names were included.
“I’d like to do a fundraiser event. I’m sure there are others who’d like to be involved. Shawn’s friends all expressed that they’d like to donate to charities in his honor, and I’m sure some of them did in lieu of flowers.”
Her mother, who had taken a sip of wine, nodded and placed her glass upon the table. “As a matter of fact, I received several cards from the organizations. Perhaps we could start there.”
“I’ll check with Mattie and Layne and go through the mail from that time. I’m sure it’s all in the home office.” I wished I knew more, but it wasn’t like I had been in my right frame of mind.
I wasn’t going to explain to her mother that I was a recovering drunk, and I thanked my lucky stars things hadn’t gotten so out of control that I couldn’t come back from it. I didn’t want to end up like Smitty. Lexa had been my light in that darkness, and I would be forever thankful that she’d saved me.
As Lexa continued, I thought of how things had changed. The plans I’d made when I thought I might have to make sacrifices started to come back to me and I realized there was some other way I could help. “I’d like to donate my family’s Rolls for an auction during the fundraiser.” Lexa’s eyes widened, and her mother nearly choked on her next sip of wine.
“A Rolls Royce?” She glanced at her husband, who cleared his throat.
“Yeah, I’m never going to use it, and I had already planned on selling it if the settlement was higher.” I shrugged not wanting to go into the fine details.
Lexa’s hand fell upon mine. “That would be more than generous. Are you sure?” She knew how much those cars meant to me, but the Rolls had never been a favorite of mine, considering how it was used.
It was a showy car that’s sole purpose was to cart us to church and back on special holidays. I’d always thought it a bit blasphemous, actually, and I remembered the day my mother had wanted to bring Mattie along with us for Easter service. Mattie had refused to ride along, and I’d respected her for it.
“I’m positive. It will be for a good cause, and quite frankly, it will be the most honorable job the car’s ever had.” She smiled, and it seemed the whole room around us grew brighter. I liked that smile on her and better still that I’d put it there.
“You’ll be quite a busy girl with all of this new responsibility and your duties at the hospital.” Her mother leveled her gaze to Lexa; her father did the sam
e, as if he was eager to hear her response, as well.
“Yeah, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. It will be fun, really and I could use a bit of fun; something that I can do for my own healing for a change. Hopefully, that doesn’t sound too selfish.” She took a sip of her wine and shrugged. She was so busy taking care of others she didn’t feel comfortable wanting something for herself, even though it was for charity.
“You’re a beautiful soul, Lexa, and of course you deserve something for yourself, something that makes you happy.” I placed my hand on hers, and her mother cleared her throat. I realized the particular gesture moved her and hoped that was my first step to proving to them I wasn’t the spoiled rich kid they may have thought I was.
Dinner was served, and we got through it with smiles, genuine conversation, and laughter. We said our goodbyes and Lexa and I were on our way back to the house when she leaned over and placed her hand on my thigh. “That went well. I think my mother really likes you.”
“You think so?” I shifted the car and settled back while we drive along the freeway.
“Oh yeah.” She whispered the words in my ear as she kissed my neck, and I lifted my arm to hold the back of her hair.