Page 98 of Billionaire Beast
He laughed in response. “True, I guess you’ve got me there. I really don't have much time to watch TV these days. Although, now that Nalia is doing such an amazing job, maybe I will find a little time to check out a TV show or two. Maybe I'll even see you on your daytime soap.”
She chuckled. “Please don’t feel obligated. If I have my way, it’s just a stepping stone to bigger and better things. Kind of like my girl here,” she changed the subject. “Did you enjoy Nalia’s performance up there?”
“Immensely.” Owen’s gaze flickered to me.
I kept my mouth in a hard line, trying to ignore the shiver that moved through me as his eyes brushed over me. He just wants sex, I told myself. Don't fall for this sweet guy routine. It's just flattery to soften you up, win you over, and get you into bed. Still, it wasn’t like that was such a bad thing. I mean, I’d had fun, too. Hell, if I was going to be completely honest with myself, it had been mind-blowing. Amazing. Seriously, some of the best sex I'd ever had.
No, I mentally slapped myself. Quit thinking about it. You are not going to give in to him and just get used like he probably does with all of the girls he takes home. You're here to do a job, not just hop into bed with a rock star.
“Would you ladies like another round?” Owen asked.
“Sure,” Grace answered before I could say anything in protest. “Let's get this party started!”
As he walked to the bar, I narrowed my eyes at her. “What the hell are you doing, Grace?”
“What? Come on, Nay. He obviously likes you. You already shot him down, but he still showed up here anyway. If nothing else, he’s certainly persistent, and you should really give him a few points for that. Besides, he's so hot.”
“Seriously? Come on, Grace, I thought you were on my side,” I frowned at her.
“I am, I am, but it is okay to have a little fun, too, ya know. Jeez, most girls would totally kill to be in your shoes right now!” She gave me a nudge in the side. I started to respond, but Owen returned before I could, so I just shut my mouth and smiled as he slid a drink in front of each of us.
“Thanks,” I said into my drink, still keeping my eyes on him. He frowned, watching me. I considered that it was possible I might have been being a little hard on him, and maybe Grace was right. Owen and I had had fun the last time things got intimate between us and, oddly enough, things hadn't been weird between us afterwards. It wasn’t like he was using me if I enjoyed it as much as him and didn’t expect any sort of attachment or conditions from it. I mean, we were two, mature adults just enjoying ourselves and each other, right?
He leaned in close and whispered into my ear. “You were absolutely stunning on stage. Your passion up there seriously set me on fire. And when I say that, I mean totally on fire. All over.”
I tried to force back the smile that threatened to spread across my lips. Instead of smiling or saying anything in return, I simply directed my gaze up, and was immediately met with a stare that churned every butterfly I hadn’t even known was in my stomach. “Thank you,” I mouthed, my eyes never leaving his.
“I think you'll regret it if you don't spend the night with me,” he whispered back. “We could have a truly amazing time together tonight. Trust me on that.”
From the corner of my eye, I could see Grace raise a questioning eyebrow at me and flash me a cheeky smile.
I didn’t say a word. I only searched his stare and nodded my head.
“I’m guessing you two are gonna be going soon?” Grace asked, holding out her hand for my keys. I flushed, a little embarrassed, and fished my keys out of my purse for her. In my state, it was probably best if I didn’t drive, anyway.
“I’m sorry to steal her away,” Owen said to Grace, placing a palm gently on my lower back. Warmth pooled in me at the light touch of his hand, and my cheeks flushed once more. “But I promise you, she's in good hands. Very good hands.”
She waved a dismissive hand at both of us. “It’s no problem. You two get out of here and go have some fun,” she said with a grin.
“You sure, Grace? You'll be fine here all on your own?” I asked. She simply gave me a knowing smile and waved me off toward the door.
“I think that’s our cue to go. Come on.” Owen’s fingers intertwined with mine as he led me to the exit. Giving up, I followed.
We are just having some fun, I told myself. It's not going to be anything more than that. Just some fun between two people who happen to be attracted to each other.
He led me out to his Porsche and opened the door for me. Before he loosened his grip around my waist to allow me to get in, he gave me a slow, teasing kiss, flicking his tongue into my mouth. When he pulled his lips away from mine, they lingered barely a breath from my mouth. My heart raced. He then placed a soft kiss on my forehead before helping me into the car.
As he settled in on his side of the car, he flashed a pleased, content smile at me. Yes, he really had driven all the way there because of wanting me. I found myself wondering what he had meant when he had said it was lonely sometimes being him.
Owen started up the car and pulled out of his parking spot, then put his hand on my knee, gently caressing.
“I know I already said it once, but you were amazing up there on stage,” he said, letting his hand slide a little higher up my thigh. A light shiver ran through me. As we stopped at a light, he leaned over to kiss me, one hand brushing up my arm and against my breast. I couldn’t say for sure if it was intentional, but it definitely sent my pulse into overdrive.
“You looked and sounded like an angel up there. You’ve got a lot of talent, you really do. It was easy to see that the music was everything to you. And watching you perform with such passion and intensity was possibly the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed.” His breath tickled my neck as he spoke.
“The light’s green,” I giggled. He laughed and pulled away, but he quickly placed his hand on my thigh once more, a little higher this time, brushing just under the hem of my skirt.
“God, your skin’s so soft, and you have killer legs. You know when I like them best, though?” He flashed me a sideways glance, giving my thigh a gentle squeeze.