Page 17 of Roommate's Virgin
I sighed. “One.”
“And how long did that relationship last?”
“It lasted awhile,” I said defensively.
“Four months is not a whole heck of a lot.”
“Not when you compare it to two years—”
“You’re going on twenty-two, Zo,” Leah said, cutting me off. “And you’re still a virgin!”
“Because I choose to be.”
“Or because you’re scared?”
“What would I be scared of?” I demanded. “Sex is not really a big deal anymore.”
“But it has always been a big deal to you… hasn’t it?”
She was not wrong. I just wasn’t willing to have this conversation, so I decided to change the subject, and the only thing that popped into my mind was the handsome fireman that had invaded my thoughts in the last few days.
“Guess what?” I said.
“I met this really hot guy at Seth’s station,” I said. “I was dropping off some cupcakes for the boys, and he was there at the front of the station.”
“Really?” Leah asked, immediately interested. “How hot are we talking… on a scale of one to ten?”
I smiled. “Um like nine-point-five… I would even go so far as to say he was a ten.”
“Damn girl,” Leah said. “Did you get his number?”
“Did you give him your number?”
“Zoey!” Leah said, in frustration.
“Calm down; I know where he works remember?”
“That’s right… but what are you going to do with that information.”
I smiled. “I… well I need to sort out a few things first.”
“Yeah… I thought so,” Leah said, with disappointment.
“Even you have to admit; I have a lot going on at the moment. I don’t have the time to invest in a new relationship. Plus… he’s a fireman.”
“So?” Leah asked. “They’re hot.”
“They’re also known for being players… that’s what Seth’s always said.”
“Seth is just trying to keep you a virgin. Don’t pay any attention to him.”
I smiled. “Maybe when I get a job and find a place to stay… and if I can keep ahead of all my school work… maybe then I’ll go down to the station and—”