Page 57 of Roommate's Virgin
“Hi, guys,” he said, coming around the corner into the kitchen. “Sorry I’m late.”
“What happened?” mom asked. “Is everything alright?”
“Uh… long story,” Seth said, and he looked a little deflated.
He sat down, and mom and I exchanged a glance. “Seth,” I said gently. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine,” he nodded. “It’s just been a long day.” He took a deep breath. “Cory moved out.”
“What?” I asked, in surprise.
“Yeah,” Seth nodded. “She just packed her bags and left… just before I got here.”
“What happened?” mom asked.
Seth sighed. “We just got into a big fight—”
“Oh God,” I jumped in. “Was it about me.”
“No,” Seth replied, but he hesitated long enough that I knew I had been part of the fight in some way.
“Oh, Seth—”
“I finally just snapped,” Seth replied. “And she snapped right back at me, and I guess we both realized how badly suited we were for one another. I think that we just both wanted a partner so much that we overlooked the fact that we were never right for one another.”
“Well, I’m glad,” mom said suddenly. “I never liked her.”
“Mom!” I said.
“What… it’s true.”
“Let’s try and be a little sensitive,” I said.
“I appreciate that,” Seth said, with a small smile playing on his lips. “But it’s not necessary. I would rather you just be honest with me.”
I bit my lip and thought about all the things I was not being honest with him about. “I’m sorry, Seth,” I said.
He smiled at me. “I knew you never really liked Cory much either… did you, Zo?” he asked.
“Um… is this a trick question?”
“I’m just curious,” Seth said. “Now that I’ve broken up with her you guys are free to say exactly what you think
and feel.”
I smiled. “Well in that case… you’re right. She was completely wrong for you.”
“Why didn’t either of you ever say that to me before?” Seth asked.
“Because you wouldn’t have listened then,” mom said. “Until you realized it yourself. All that would have done was get you pissed at both of us. We just had to wait until you figured things out for yourself.”
Seth sat back and sighed. “I’d like to argue, but there’s probably some truth in that.”
We all chuckled together, and everybody relaxed. I certainly did, until mom turned to me with eyes bright with mischief. “So I think we need to get back to discussing the new man in Zo’s life.”
“Um, no,” I said immediately.
“New man?” Seth asked, with interest. “What’s this?”