Page 84 of Roommate's Virgin
“Middle school actually,” Devlin said. “How are you, Mr. Stevenson?”
“I’m doing well,” Mr. Stevenson. “Margaret, look who’s here.”
“Devlin,” Mrs. Stevenson said, coming forward and shaking his hand. “It’s been so long.”
“It has,” Devlin nodded. “This is my girlfriend, Zoey.”
As I was introduced to the beautiful new couple, I couldn’t help but notice how uncertain Mr. Danvers was looking suddenly. Almost as though he were scared that Devlin would embarrass him. That thought made me angry, and I felt almost as though I needed to defend Devlin against his parents’ judgmental preconceptions.
“What have you been doing with yourself, Devlin?” Mrs. Stevenson asked.
“He’s been taking the art world by storm,” I said, stepping in before Devlin could say anything.
I saw Mr. Danvers flinch a little, but I kept going. Devlin tried to shut me up, but I ignored him and sang his praises. “Let me show you some of his work,” I said proudly, as I whipped out my phone and found the gallery where I had saved all Devlin’s paintings and sketches.
“My God… they’re beautiful,” Mrs. Stevenson said, with awe.
I saw Mrs. Danvers looking at the images over her shoulder, and I could tell that she hadn’t seen any of Devlin’s recent work.
“You’re a very talented young man, Devlin,” Mr. Stevenson said. “Tell me, have you been exhibited anywhere?”
“I’m about to be,” Devlin admitted. “The owner of White Lines Gallery has agreed to let me exhibit my work at his next display.”
“Would that be Gordon Chadwick?”
“That’s the one,” Devlin nodded.
“He’s notorious for delaying his exhibitions,” Mr. Stevenson said. “The man’s a perfectionist.”
“Unfortunately, I’m well aware,” Devlin nodded. “He keeps pushing back the date of this exhibit. I don’t mind though… the exposure will be worth the wait.”
“Fantastic,” Mr. Stevenson said. “Will you send us an invitation when he finally decides to put on the show?”
“Of course,” Devlin said, looking extremely pleased.
“You must be very proud of your young man,” Mrs. Stevenson said.
The question was directed at Devlin’s parents, but both of them looked a little lost for words. So I held onto Devlin’s hand and nodded. “I’m extremely proud,” I said fiercely.
She was spectacular. It was beyond me how she even managed to do it in so short a span of time and yet she had. She had charmed my mother, impressed my father and I could tell every guest she was introduced to seemed enchanted by her.
Maybe it was the fact that she was so authentically herself that you couldn’t help but like her. Maybe it was the fact that she was obviously accomplished, talented and intelligent and yet incredibly humble at the same time. Maybe it was the fact that she made no apologies for who she was or where she came from.
“What do your parents do, Zoey?” Mrs. Swanston asked after we had finished dinner.
“I was raised by a single mother, Mrs. Swanston,” Zoey replied. “My father left when I was very young, and I haven’t heard from him since. But my mother works in a bank. She has since I was in middle school.”
“That’s interesting,” Mrs. Roberts said, turning to her with curiosity in her eyes. “And what made you decide to study music?”
“My mother,” Zoey replied. “We grew up poor, you see… and we didn’t have much of anything. We didn’t even have a television set till Seth and I were older. W
e had this tiny little radio instead, and it was always on. There was always music in the background and mom used to tell us that there were some things that everyone could enjoy, no matter their circumstances. Music was one of them. She was right, no matter how bad my mood was, music always managed to cheer me right up.”
I saw the women around her exchange glances, and I knew they were a little surprised by how readily and unabashedly she admitted to her circumstances. I knew that in their circles to admit to a lack of anything was considered to be a massive embarrassment.