Page 90 of Roommate's Virgin
“Hi,” Zoey said, giving me the faintest semblance of a smile.
I could tell from her face that she was incredibly upset and I was the cause. I moved forward, but she seemed to cut off any contact we might have had by sitting down at the small table that had been provided. I followed her example and sat down as well.
“You came,” I said.
“Of course I came,” Zoey replied. “I wasn’t just going to leave you here.”
“I would deserve that,” I said.
Zoey bit her lip and looked away from me. “They should release you in a few hours,” she told me.
I frowned. “What?”
“Your bail was posted,” Zoey replied. “You’ll be free to go soon.”
“I… how?” I asked, in amazement. “Where did you get the money to post my bail?”
“I didn’t post your bail,” Zoey replied. “Your father did.”
I paused. “My father… is here?”
“Yes,” Zoey nodded.
“He actually… came with you?”
She was not saying much, but the way she was wringing her hands together told me that I was not forgiven. Her presence here, her obvious hand in convincing my father to help me out… none of that meant that she was going to stay with me. And I didn’t blame her. I decided to make this as easy as possible… it was the least I could do for her now.
“Thank you, Zoey,” I said. “You have been there for me and done more for me than any other person out there. I owe you so much more than you realize.”
“You don’t have to—”
“No, I do,” I insisted. “Because in the end, that’s all I ever really wanted. I wanted someone I could count on. I wanted someone who would support me no matter what. And I got just that, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I know I haven’t treated you well. I haven’t been honest with you, and at the time I justified my decisions by telling myself that it would only hurt you more if you knew the whole truth, but that was just the coward’s way out, and I see that now.”
“You deserve better than me, Zoey… and you always have. My parents… they’ve been right about me this whole time. I am nothing but a disappointment. I’m not an artist… I’m just a drug dealer pretending to be something more. I don’t deserve your friendship, your support or your love. You’re better off without me.”
Zoey looked up at me, and there were tears in her eyes, but she managed to blink them away. “It sounds like you’re breaking up with me,” she said.
I smiled sadly. “I’m not breaking up with you. You’re here to break up with me,” I said, letting her know that I understood. “I’m just letting you know that… I understand and… I think you’re making the right decision.”
Zoey looked down again and nodded. “I gave you a second chance,” she pointed out.
“You did.”
“I asked you not to keep any more secrets from me.”
“And you looked me in the eye and told me you wouldn’t… that was a lie.”
“I didn’t see it that way at the time,” I said honestly. “But yes, it was a lie.”
“I’ll be moving out tonight… but I won’t be able to get all my stuff out in one day. I’ll need to pick up the rest of my things in the next few days.”
“Would you prefer I not be around?” I asked, even though it was killing me to make the offer.
“I think it will be easier if you’re not around,” Zoey nodded.