Page 93 of Roommate's Virgin
I went to the kitchen and found Seth in there popping French toast onto a plate on the table. There were sausages, eggs, baked beans, bacon and the brand of store-bought orange juice that I liked.
“What’s all this?” I asked, looking at the set table in amazement.
“I thought you could use a special breakfast,” Seth said. “Especially after the night you had.”
I was touched, and even though I had absolutely no appetite, I sat down at the table and poured myself a glass of orange juice.
“Thank you,” I said softly. “This is really… just thanks.”
“Of course, little sis,” Seth replied.
“Shouldn’t you be at work though?” I asked.
“I got Antony to cover my shift today,” Seth told me. “I thought it was more important that I stay in and spend the morning with you.”
I smiled. “You really are an amazing brother.”
“No arguments there.”
I laughed, but the sound came out sounding weird, so I stopped.
“How about some French toast?” Seth asked, pushing the plate towards me.
“Uh… in a minute,” I said. “I’m not very hungry at the moment.”
Seth nodded with understanding, and I could tell he was worried about me. I could feel his eyes land on me every few seconds, wondering if I was going to crumble into a bawling mess at any moment.
“I’m ok,” I said, trying to reassure him.
“Are you really?” he asked, with obvious doubt in his voice.
“No,” I admitted. “But I will be.”
“Of course you will be,” Seth said. “You’re the strongest person I know.”
I looked at him in surprise. “I’m the strongest person you know?” I asked, in disbelief.
Seth smiled. “Yes you are,” he nodded. “Does that shock you?”
“Um, yeah!” I nodded.
Seth laughed. “You grew up without a father, and you didn’t let it destroy you. You grew up without a lot of things that other kids took for granted and it only made you work harder. You went to college, you got your degree, and you didn’t turn to any vices to help you get through the difficult times.”
I smiled. “When you say it like that, I sound pretty cool.”
“You’ve always been cool,” Seth said. “You just haven’t realized that yet.”
“And all this praise has nothing to do with making me feel better because the love of my life got busted for pushing drugs?”
Seth smiled. “I won’t deny I’m trying to make you feel better,” he responded. “But that doesn’t mean anything I’ve just said is a lie. Honestly… I’ve always admired you, Zo. You’re my little sister, but in many ways, you’re so much more mature than I am and you’re much smarter.”
I sighed and looked down. “I don’t feel very smart,” I admitted. “I had no clue, Seth. I believed him completely. I believed that he was a firefighter; I believed that he was completely honest with me… I believed every single thing he told me.”
“That’s what you’re supposed to do with the people you love,” Seth said. “This is not on you… this is on him.”
I took a sip of orange juice, but I barely registered the taste of it. My mind was too focused on everything that had happened the night before. It had been hard to see Devlin sitting there, knowing that he would have to face another court session to determine his fate. A part of me still wanted to be there for him, but I was too hurt and too upset even to go there. He had betrayed my trust… a second time and I felt as though I had run out of chances to give him.