Page 13 of Perfection
Chapter Ten
I hardly knew what to think about Lilly. Just when I had written her off, just when I thought I would not see her again she shows up and changes everything. Unlike her, I remembered that evening perfectly. In fact, I frequently conjured up images from that night whenever I needed a little help in the shower or lying in bed. She had been my number one fantasy for the past week at least. I could see her naturally golden hair spread around her as she smiled at me, welcoming me inside her. Playful and energetic, she had been the ideal lover. She had that perfect balance of coyness and curiosity, so rare a combination to find today. I went to bed with the perfect woman and woke up with someone completely different.
When it first happened, she had confused the hell out of me. I barely remembered in the beginning what all had taken place but once my memory came back I knew she was no victim. Still, she wanted an apology so I gave her one. I guess on some level, I knew she was drunk but hell, so was I. I did not wake up screaming because some woman was in my bed. For the record, I never let women stay the night, so Lilly was not the only person breaking all the rules. What was weird was I hadn't minded a bit.
Compared to the old Bullet Steinmann, the guy who offered his patients something a little extra at every opportunity, I was now living like a celibate monk. I had not had sex since the night Lily and I had met at Allistair's. She had rocked my world with her perfect bottom and perky breasts. I loved kissing her golden skin and those green eyes allured me into thinking all kinds of naughty things. Now here she was again- obviously, she had forgiven me or else she would not be here. She wanted to meet me outside of my professional environment. I took that as a plus. Miss Lilly Brightwood wanted me although she was too polite to say so. Okay, I would play along and see where this went.
I walked into the tavern and took off my sunglasses to allow my eyes a chance to adjust to the lighting. Compared to my bright office, this place was a cavern not a tavern. She sat at a table near the door and I could tell that she was wearing her harness. I really wished she would change her mind about this operation. I had no medical reason to offer her, no legitimate way to recommend that she change her mind I just wished she wouldn't. She was perfect and beautiful just as she was. I was afraid that once she had the surgery, she would be like all the rest- superficial and void of personality. Some women who had breast enlargement depended way too heavily on them afterwards.
"Hi! Please have a seat. I ordered a Coke, do you want something?" Lilly laid her menu down and smiled. She waved the waitress over to our table.
"A Coke sounds great. What looks good here?"
"Well, if you like fried foods, you will find plenty to choose from." She crinkled her nose in disgust.
"Not a fan of zee French fry?" I teased her with my best French accent.
My inflection brought a smile to her angelic face. "Now French fries I can handle." She pointed at an item on the menu. "However, a basket of fried vegetables does not sound appealing to me at all. I like my fried vegetables served one at a time thank you." I couldn’t help but smile.
"It can definitely hinder your fitness plan. Eating fried foods is a good splurge but I agree that looks like a bit much. So, that is a no on the fried vegetables. Well don't think too badly of me but I'm going to have a cheeseburger."
"Let's make that two, minus the fries. I will have to get a bigger harness if I eat those." I laughed aloud.
"Well if you find the harness is too snug I can loosen it — or you can." I quickly added. I still did not understand what we were doing here, why we were together but I did not want it to end. At least not yet. If there was a chance, even a remote chance that I would see Lilly Brightwood naked and in my hotel room again I was going to take it. She was becoming my addiction. I wasn't sure how I felt about that but I didn’t dwell on feelings too much so it wasn't hard to push those aside, at least for a while.
The server returned eventually and we placed our orders. Lilly insisted on two tickets but I wanted to pay for lunch. "I remember what it's like to be in college never having any money. I got this." She shook her golden curls and flashed me a coy smile. Oh, those pretty pink lips. I so remember what you did with those pretty pink lips. I smiled back for a completely different reason.
"I am not your average college girl. I am neither broke nor do I party all the time. Except for a handful of friends, and my sports club, I spend most of my time with my violin or studying. I have never been on an episode of Girls Gone Wild, well with the exception of that one night with you." I thought it was charming that she blushed. At least she can talk about it now.
I laughed at her comparison. "Have you ever seen an episode of Girls Gone Wild?"
"No, but I remember the late-night commercials that used to come on trying to sell them. They definitely featured girls and they definitely seemed wild."
"I can assure you that our night together was nothing like that. In case you can't remember, you were a perfect lady." Before she could respond, our server delivered the cheeseburgers and we got refills on our drinks. She left us and Lilly stared at me.
"I promise you I remember everything perfectly — and I was no lady." Her face flushed again. Parts of my body liked it. I leaned across the table and in a low whisper said, "I enjoyed every minute of our time together. I have no regrets and I don't judge you for anything. I wish that you didn't."
Lilly bobbed her head with an embarrassed smile. Don't push, Bullet. Leave it alone. I decided to change the subject. "Violin, that is interesting. Believe it or not, I played an instrument in high school, although that was a long time ago."
Her dimples appeared with her smile. "Let me guess — the tuba? No wait! The bass drum." We both laughed at that idea.
"Wrong on both! I played the saxophone for three years. Then I fell in love with football and that was that. I found that girls liked a sax player but they loved football players. Not an easy choice to make because I did enjoy playing. It's funny because I thought about picking it back up. I mean I still remember the keys, the notes, but I doubt that I have the embouchure that I used to." I took a bite of my burger.
"I can totally see you getting down on the saxophone. I love woodwinds. I can play the trumpet a little but the violin has always been my first love." The tavern started getting busy and I peeked at the clock- it was past 12. Time with Lilly was flying by.
"So who got you interested in playing the violin, maybe a parent or a family member?"
"My father. He was a violinist — he played all over the world in some of the most renowned orchestras. I think I got my first violin when I was six. I still have it somewhere. It was white, very small."
"He must be very proud of you." I took another bite of my burger, trying not to make a mess on my clothing. I had four more clients to see today. Lilly's gaze drifted away. Uh-oh, I touched on something.
"Yes, he was." Okay, leave that subject alone.
For the rest of our meal, we talked about harmless things like Riley Patterson, local football teams and just idle chitchat. It was almost time to leave. I tried not to make my clients wait although I dreaded seeing Carmen Fuentes who was my next appointment. I would much rather spend time with Lily eating a greasy burger.
"I enjoyed spending this time with you. Thank you for inviting me to lunch. Maybe, we can do it again sometime."