Page 5 of Perfection
he skin at her chest. She could probably go a large C but not much more—she was too toned and fit for a D.
“Now I am going to cup your breasts, checking for weight and shape, okay?” She nodded her green eyes wide and trusting. God, I love my job. I grasped her soft breasts, squeezing them slightly. I pretended that her nipples didn’t immediately respond to my touch. Oh yes, she liked my hands. I didn’t linger although I wanted to. I imagined flicking those pink nipples with my tongue, sucking on them to warm her for a session of hard sex. I fantasized about my hard penis thrusting between her soft breasts into her lovely mouth. I stepped away before she could hear my breath quicken, feel my undeniable hardness against her body. I had never been this physically attracted to a client prior to surgery more so than Lilly Brightwood.
I turned away and pretended to make notes in the folder. “Nurse, could you take a profile and a frontal picture for me? Just from the neck to the torso?”
“Sure, doctor.” I heard the Polaroid snap a few times. “Lilly, we will step out and allow you to dress. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Outside the exam room, the nurse handed me the pictures to place in the file. “Get the vials ready for a blood draw please and bring me the surgery schedule for the next six weeks, Patsy.”
“Yes, doctor.” I didn’t fuss at her for being insensitive, she knew I wasn’t pleased.
I walked to my office and stared at the photos. Okay, Bullet. Focus on your job. She really was beautiful and in my opinion, she didn’t need surgery. Far be it from me to tell her no but I owed it to her to give her my honest opinion. Her breasts were shaped like elegant champagne glasses, perky and full. Lilly had a body that many of my patients would kill for. She had a sexy, curved waist and round, tight bottom. From my initial appraisal, I could tell that her taut skin healed well and there was no excess of moles or blemishes. She could do it but why?
I turned my chair around and stared out the window of my office. It had been my experience that cosmetic surgery changes people, well most people anyway. I reviewed her medical history; she had no problems that I could see that would deter her from the surgery. Well, maybe this was none of my business. If I didn’t perform the surgery, she would probably go somewhere else. I tapped the folder on the desk and walked back to the room. I tapped again.
“Come in.” I opened the door and invited Lilly to sit across from me. “I know that was awkward but I have a good picture now of what we can do. This is what is called a silicone pack.” I placed the breast implant on the small table between us. “This is what I use for breast enlargement or reshaping. Yes, you can pick it up. See how naturally it moves? Unlike older implants, these never break and they only have one seam, which is triple sealed. The least invasive way to do this procedure is to go through the armpit; it would leave two very small scars, one under each arm, which you could easily hide. Now, if we were to do this, I would like to follow the natural shape of your breasts—we don’t want them too heavy up top or bottom, just filled out. So I would slide a smaller pack here and a slightly larger one here. Do you have any questions so far?”
“Yes, I do. Can you be sure that they are even? I mean you can tell that one is slightly larger than the other. I would hate for that to look worse after the surgery.” She tapped her finger on her lip thoughtfully. Again, I thought about all the things I would like to do to those lips, so plump and pink.
“Good question! Honestly, all women and men have one chest or breast muscle that is slightly larger than the other. That is because the muscle behind the breast is a muscle you work every day. If you’re left handed, then your right breast will be larger and vice versa, so don’t worry too much about that.” I smiled at her. She was not stupid and I liked that. "I have to ask you though, why do you want to do this? Not to be inappropriate and I am not trying to be personal, but why do you want this?"
Her green eyes looked thoughtful. "I know you have to ask. I wouldn't think much of a doctor that didn't. To be honest with you, I just want to balance out my body. I think larger breasts will give me a better shape. I mean¸ you saw my rear, I have plenty of that. I don't hate myself—this is just something I want to do. I can afford to do it and as you say, it is a safe procedure so why not?"
"I'm not deterring you but I have to ask. As your doctor, I have to look at everything, including your motives." I leaned forward in my chair and looked into her eyes. "I want to give you what you want, Lilly. I just want you to be happy with the results."
"Thank you Dr. Steinmann." Her blonde curls shook and the dimples on either side of her mouth appeared. Everything on her was beautiful.
"That's it for today. Patsy will be here in just a minute to draw your blood and then you can go home. It usually takes a few days for those results to come back and if everything is clear, we will put you on the schedule. In the meantime, if you have a question or you change your mind, call me." I slid her my card, which included my cell phone number. "And I'm sorry again for the mix up the other night. I should stop making phone calls after 10 p.m."
She took the card and put it in her purse. We both stood, and I noticed she appeared relaxed and happy. "No bother at all. Did you ever get a hold of Claire?" I felt warmth spreading across my face. Surely, I wasn't blushing. "Actually, no, I didn't but I'm sure Claire is fine. Thanks for understanding." I extended my hand again to say goodbye and she took it. I tried not to linger but I liked touching her skin.
"I look forward to hearing from you, doctor. Just before 11 p.m. please." Lilly shot me a big smile, grabbed her purse and walked out. I made a few notes and went back to my office. I closed the door and locked it. I sat in my chair and flipped through her folder again. God her breasts were lovely. I unzipped my pants and took care of business right in my office. I had three more patients to see and I could not do that with a hard dick. I was surprised at how quickly I came. Yes, Miss Lilly Brightwood, you have my attention.
Chapter Five
I left Dr. Steinmann's office feeling excited. Not just because my extremely handsome doctor touched my breasts with expert hands but also because it looked like I was a few steps closer to getting my breasts. I climbed in the car and popped in my CD, reviewing our latest concerto practice. Even as the woodwinds played, I couldn't help but think of Bullet Steinmann. He was definitely hotter in person and so young for being a successful doctor. He had a deep, soothing voice and a confident swagger. How inappropriate would it be to sleep with my doctor? I flipped on the air conditioner. Was it getting warm in here? I drove to the repair shop and picked up my instrument, made a few more stops and headed back to campus.
This was my last year at college unless I chose to go for my Masters—I was making the most of it. I participated in all the activities possible while maintaining my 3.9 grade average. I had been on the President's List every semester except my first but I didn’t feel bad about that. That had been a rough time for me, losing both my parents just a few months before. Now it was just me. Thankfully, they had left me a healthy inheritance, college was paid for and so was my new car but it didn’t make up for not having them here. As Kate pointed out, I had enough money to buy three houses but I did not want a house right now. I liked campus life but I knew this was not forever. Two more months and I would be done and graduate with a degree in music. I could join any orchestra in the world so why bother settling down right now?
I tried to keep my money status to myself, even buying a low-end Beamer because as I have found, when people know you have money, they don’t mind liberating you of it. Four years and one lame boyfriend ago, I learned that lesson the hard way. Just think, I almost married that bastard—Evan Heath Richards. I had no doubt now that he would have taken every dime I had, if not for Kate. She had rescued me from that fate which is hilarious considering it was her he cheated with. But not just her. Apparently, there had been many girls before and after my parents' sudden death.
Kate had approached me about a threesome with Evan. Evan had st
upidly promised her that he would talk to me after they played around a few times. My bohemian friend liked those types of sexual encounters but I was blown away by her offer. When she realized that Evan lied to her about everything, she loaned me a sympathetic shoulder and we were friends since then.
Suddenly it hit me—Dr. Steinmann looked a little like Evan, but Bullet was taller with a more muscular body. He was better looking too but not by much. Evan had all the charm of a...well...a snake but a good-looking one. I wondered if Bullet was a nice guy or merely a wolf in sheep's clothing. I guess a man could get away with a lot wearing a white coat and having the title of "doctor." He had touched my body but not inappropriately. I wondered what he thought about my body, I knew that thought was inappropriate; I mean to think about my doctor in that way. It took a lot to get my attention, many guys and a few girls had tried, but I had taken myself off the market. Still, I wondered what it would be like to date the hot doctor. As a traveling cosmetic surgeon, I knew he was in high demand and that he saw beautiful women every day.
No, Lilly. You are not in his league.
When I got back to my apartment, I sent Kate a text. "Chinese food?"
"Yes! Would love some! Be there in an hour."
I picked up the phone and ordered sweet-and-sour chicken and shrimp fried rice, our two favorites. I examined my violin—the repairs had been perfect. No cracks or seams. I plucked a string. "Yes! Perfect!" I put it back in its case and lay on my bed. Again, I thought about Bullet, his dark swarthy good looks, his expert hands, his deep laugh. Oh come on Lilly! It's not like you have never seen a guy before.
I put my shoes back in the closet and changed out of my clothes. I paused in front of the mirror looking at myself, wondering what the doctor had thought about my body. Instinctively, my hands flew to my breasts. I gave them a slight squeeze, trying to imitate Bullet's touch. No, it was not the same. I sighed. "Man I need to go on a date." I slid into some yoga pants and a matching tank top and waited for my friend and my food to arrive.