Page 7 of Perfection
"Doctor, Carmen Fuentes is calling me every 30 minutes wanting to know when she can see you again. When you go back to Kansas City this weekend will you be seeing any patients?" Page Tillman my long-time assistant and no time girlfriend was efficient and professional. I never had to worr
y about her gossiping even after she had caught me in a compromising position a time or two. Of course, each indiscretion brought with it a slight pay raise. Well, silence is golden and I don't mind paying for it. My attorney suggested that Page sign a nondisclosure agreement and she did happily. That too came with a little bonus. Page was all about the money and that worked for me.
"No, I will not see patients this weekend. I'm actually going to take some vacation time. Go ahead and book her for next week. Make it Monday. I will still be in town and I can see her then. However, could you please make it clear to her that this will only be a brief appointment? I don't want to get stuck for hours."
"Sure Dr. Steinmann. I have that down here for Monday. Late morning, okay?"
"Yes that is perfect. Paige, have my housekeeper take my shirts to the dry cleaner, the ones on the bed. I need those back before Thursday."
I hung up the phone confident that my assistant had everything under control. I stared out the window as we rolled down the runway and took off. My phone began ringing and I slid it to silent mode. Whatever it was, whoever it was could wait. I needed a nap. As was my habit, I conjured up an image of the perfect body, shapely breasts, round bottom, tiny waist. When I looked at the face of my fantasy girl, I recognized her. It was Lilly Brightwood. Yes, she was definitely my fantasy girl and I hadn’t changed her body. She did not need a procedure to improve her looks; she was one of those rare creatures who had been blessed with beauty from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. Like all the rest, I was sure that having the procedure done would do more than change her looks; it would change her personality too. That would be a shame. How could anyone so smart, so witty, think that she needed larger breasts?
Well, that was my job and the customer was always right.
Almost a week later, I was back in Kansas City walking through the doors of a downtown nightclub. I don’t normally hang out in clubs, much less go out with friends but here I was looking for a distraction. I kept my word to myself and to Dr. Huffington. I had carefully avoided physical interaction with my clients above what was necessary. I felt good about my determination but quite frankly I needed some release. Having sex with yourself wasn't half as fun as having a good time with a playmate. A friendly hostess greeted me, she and a corset that forced her plump breasts up to nearly under her chin. It must be a daily challenge to get those size D's possibly double D's into a corset. I wondered if that was a required uniform or if she just enjoyed wearing one. She pulled back the velvet rope and welcomed me inside. I could see immediately that her top was not a fashion choice but a uniform, because all of the female staff wore them, except a shift manager who wore a black blazer over hers.
My college friend Dave waved at me from the polished bar. We shook hands and exchanged greetings and then turned our attention to the room. "So glad you could make it. The girls will be here in a few minutes, I think you will really like Vonda. She's got it all and she doesn't mind sharing it." Dave laughed and invited me to sit. "I figured we could hang out here until the ladies arrive, you know just to check out the scenery. They have some musician playing tonight that Michelle and Vonda are all hot about, Patterson, I think his name is so that will warm them up." Dave tossed back a shot and ordered us both one.
"I hope she's not too easy, Dave. I mean, have you slept with her?" It’s not that I was picky but Dave and I had this thing. We didn’t usually date or sleep with the same girl. Frat house rules.
"No, I've been seeing her sister but if I could figure out a way to hit that, I would. Would it be wrong to see two sisters at the same time?" Dave laughed and raised a shot glass. I did not answer him but drank the shot. That was enough drinking for me for now. I wanted to be coherent when I met this Vonda chick. We didn't bother with a lot of idle chitchat; we knew why we were there. Dave and I had always been hounds.
"You know, if it doesn't work out with Vonda, I know where you can go. They have an upstairs room here that is pretty wild after 2 a.m. It is like an after-hours club but kind of porn style. I haven’t been yet but I have a friend who has. Just in case, although I don't think you will have any problems."
The door swung open a few times. I was grateful that none of the entering patrons were Vonda and her sister. I was horny but not desperate; however, the idea of this club intrigued me. I would have to check that out if I needed a break from my "date."
"What did you tell this girl about me?" I asked curiously. I kind of wondered what kind of girl goes out on blind dates. I had never been on one; as a matter of fact I hardly ever dated.
"You know, the usual — you are a successful doctor, own a yacht, you travel a lot."
"What the hell, Dave?" Before I could chew him out he pointed to the door.
The two bottle blondes could have passed for twins. Only the one who I found out later was Vonda stood two inches shorter than her younger sister. From a distance she looked promising, but up close, she was a bit of train wreck. One eye was higher than the other, her lips were ridiculously thin and she had a high squeaky voice that rose even higher when she laughed.
Dave stood and introduced us. "Good evening, ladies. Michelle, Vonda, this is my friend Bullet. He is in town and hoping to have a good time. Bullet, this is Vonda."
"Nice to meet you, Vonda and Michelle. I have heard so much about the both of you. Shall we find a seat?" I waved at the hostess who led us to a cozy booth to the right of the stage. She took our drink order as the opening act took the stage. I enjoy jazz and would have much rather listened to the musicians than hear Vonda talking on her cell phone. Apparently she had two children and an inept babysitter. Warning signs! Leave Bullet!
"So Dave tells us that you are a veterinarian?" My eyes widened a little and I couldn't help but laugh. "Well, he said you take care of pussies. I just assumed you were a vet." Suddenly she shrieked — or cackled, depending on how you look at it. "Oh my God! He meant that you are a gynecologist." I smiled to humor her.
Well that would make more sense. I didn’t feel the need to educate her. It was bad enough that Dave told her I was a doctor. I knew what she would be thinking, with her knockoff shoes and cheap dress — that I was a sugar daddy.
"So what do you do Miss Vonda? Are you an attorney or perhaps an interior designer?" Our drinks arrived and I no longer felt the need to pace myself. I would need to be drunk if I were to spend time with Vonda.
"Oh my goodness! Nothing so glamorous. I go to school." I perked up a little. Perhaps there was more to Vonda than meets the eye?
"Tell me all about it. What are you studying?" I ignored Dave and Michelle who made no secret of their passion for one another. It wasn't hard to imagine that Michelle's hand was already unbuttoning his pants under the table. The dark red tablecloth made the perfect partition for such activity.
"I go to beauty school over on Park. It's Charles Academy — it's a six week program. After that I can do all the makeup I want." I laughed. I couldn't help myself. Maybe it was the drinks but in the right light I could imagine Vonda as a young Melanie Griffith. Definitely the drinks. "You laughing at me? It takes a lot of work learning how to do makeup. I have had to take this program twice." I laughed even harder which ticked her off. Before I knew it she was sliding out of the red leather booth and stomping to the bathroom. Her sister wasn't too far behind her.
"What the hell, Bullet? You are being an ass! I thought you were going to be my wingman. A little consideration please." Dave ran his hands through his short blonde hair and waved at their waitress.
"Look, you might waste your time with these two but they are definitely not what I'm looking for. How about this, I turn on the charm a little and see what I can do about getting you in those two girls together. Then I'm out of here."
Dave grinned in a half drunk, haphazard way. "You manage to do that, and I'll pay for your airfare. Don't screw this up though. I want to leave with at least one of them tonight."
"A few more drinks and that won't be a problem. Trust me." Out of the
corner of my eye, I could see the two blondes heading back to the table. "I told you it won't be a problem."