Page 1 of Perfection 2
Chapter One
My head and heart were pounding. I slid my sunglasses over my eyes as I strolled to the cheerful-looking café to meet Bullet. It had a kitschy Parisian motif but thankfully, it didn't look very busy. I wanted nothing more than to go home and rub my temples — just pretend this day and the one before it, never happened. I did not want to be here—but here I was. Bullet, a man who I had been attracted to — who I slept with once, was begging me for a second chance, or at least the opportunity to explain himself. Lying son of a bitch! I could not imagine what he could say to me that would change the way I felt about him right now.
Kate, my best friend and confidant, practically shoved me out the door to go see him. I think she was as curious as I was to hear what the plastic surgeon had to say for himself. I felt foolish to think that I had even considered trusting him. I mean, all the signs were there that I should run far away—away from his arms and in the opposite direction. Bullet had healthy, silky dark hair and vivid blue eyes. His trim body and self-confidence made him an irresistible "chic magnet" to the women who sought him out for help or crossed his path. How could I be so stupid? Guys like him are always players. They pride themselves in toying with your emotions and other parts of your body and then move on when they get bored. Who cared if his cologne drove me crazy or that his soft lips always tasted like raspberries? Get it together Lilly!
I wrapped my lightweight trench a little tighter around me and pushed back my oversized sunglasses to the top of my nose. They kept sliding down. I had worn them as a headband one too many times. It was threatening rain but I could see Bullet sitting in the open area of the café, right where he said he would be. He wore a bright blue shirt but thankfully no white lab coat. He was tapping on his phone, probably texting some girl until he looked up and spotted me. He gave me a tentative smile but I did not return it. I was not in a friendly mood. After all he had put me through; he had a lot of nerve looking happy. As I walked into the restaurant and out onto the patio, I slid my glasses up to the top of my head. Bullet stood up and held a chair out for me. I took my seat and stared at him. I arrived with every intention of keeping control of my emotions but just looking at him made me angry all over again.
"This ought to be pretty good!" I hissed at him. "You better have a damn good reason for asking me to meet you anywhere besides a police station." He winced at my comment and instead of getting cocky, he nodded in agreement with me. Damn! He's not supposed to agree with me.
"Thank you for coming. I understand you’re angry and you have every reason to be." Bullet's deep voice was soft and comforting. The attractive doctor focused all of his attention on me even though the table beside us was certainly interested in him. That made me even angrier.
"May I take your order?" An oblivious, young server pulled her pen from her pocket and waited to take our orders.
"Greek salad for me. What about you, Lilly?"
"Nothing for me thanks. I'm not very hungry," I growled at him.
"Are you sure? The fruit salad is delicious; it is sugar-free but tossed in honey. I love it! As a matter of fact, I —"
I had to interrupt our bubbly server. Not because I did not appreciate her enthusiasm for fruit salad, but because I wanted to stay on track here. I was fuming and I did not want to end up eating a friendly lunch with Dr. Bullet Steinmann. "I will take the fruit salad and a bottle or glass of water. Thank you." Nina, I read on her tag, wrote down my order and smiled at us, proud that she had made a sale.
Bullet picked up his dialogue as if we had never been interrupted to begin with. "I know what I did was ethically and morally wrong. I should never have put you through the worry that I did. I can assure you that I have never done anything so crazy before. I just—I wanted you to know that I am really sorry." He was not slung back in his chair or looking at me with his trademark head cock and sideways grin. No, he was leaning on his elbows with his hands clasped, giving me an earnest look of regret and repentance. I hadn't expected this but I wasn't falling for the handsome doctor—not twice.
"It is easy to be sorry when you know you have been caught in a lie. I suspect the only reason you told me was because I told you my doctor was doing blood work. Listen, I do not have time to play games with you. I don’t know what you think we have going here but let me make myself clear — I am done. I called you at first because my friends, Amanda and Kate, told me you were the best. They said that you have never botched a job and that all of your customers trusted in you and loved your work. I just wanted a simple procedure done. I never intended to hook up with you, I sure as hell did not intend to have a relationship with you and now I am even more convinced that either one of those is a bad idea. So I guess what you really want to know is if I'm going to sue you or something. The answer is no. As I said, I am done." I smacked the table with the palm of my hand making the flatware clatter.
He sighed in frustration. I guess he knew that his "confession" wasn't working on me. "I told you because I wanted you to know the truth. I am not accustomed to telling lies — as you can see, I am not very good at it. Nor do I make it a habit to attempt to change my clients mind about a surgery. I do not make money if I do not do the surgery. Surely you get that." Bullet seemed a little aggravated but not nearly as aggravated as I felt.
"How do I know what you are thinking or what you usually do? Perhaps this is some kind of weird game for you — a way to control me. Well, I should tell you Dr. Steinmann, Bullet," I leaned forward in my chair and gave him a rueful smile, "I am not the kind of girl that likes being controlled." Nina came back with our drinks, oblivious to our very heated conversation. I noticed that the table next to us was now empty; I absently wondered when the women had left. I hadn't even noticed their departure. The wind was picking up outside. I slid a wayward curl behind my ear.
After Nina left, Bullet sat back in his chair and stared at me. "I told you why I did it—because I feel like this surgery is not right for you. You have a small frame and an appropriate amount of bosom. There is nothing wrong with you — your body is perfect the way it is. If I did this for you, I would be changing you; probably in more ways than you believe or understand. I have seen it happen again and again, some women change and radically after breast surgery. I did not want this to happen to you."
My heart raced, my eyes felt moist and my lips were dry. I reached for the sparkling glass of water and took a sip. My headache was still pounding — I hoped my migraine pill would kick in soon. "There are about three things wrong with your reasoning here. First, you do not get to choose how my body looks. You do not get to make that decision. The only thing you are supposed to do is behave like a professional. Second, I do not believe that a minor cosmetic surgery would trigger a major change in my personality. Lastly, I do not care what you want. I want what I want — not what you want. I am a reasonably intelligent woman with a good body image. I am about to graduate college with my degree in music — I am not some downtown hooker or stripper who simply wants an inflated rack to show off to a crowd of cheerin
g sailors! This is the decision I have made after months of careful thought. I have my own money—let me be real here, I am wealthy and I don't have anyone I have to answer to, especially you Bullet. I have made an appointment to see Dr. Amisha, you probably know him. He's good too—damn good. I will not need your services anymore. Now, if that is all you have to say to me..."
Nina returned and plopped a Greek salad in front of Bullet and a fruit salad in front of me. She smiled at me and said, "Please tell me what you think about it. It is delicious!" She walked away and I stared down at the bowl of fruit in front of me. She was right, it did look delicious, but there was no way I was eating lunch with Bullet.
Apparently, the good doctor had no qualms about eating with his angry, former patient because he dug right into his salad. After a minute, he said, "Okay, you want the bottom line. Here it is. I am the best. I am the best cosmetic surgeon in this area and probably in the whole damn country. My clients wait for weeks, even months to see me. I do not have to prove anything to you or to anyone else. I have never botched the job, never had a complaint. If you want to take your chances with Dr. Amisha, then go for it but you're making a big mistake. The man does not have the record that I have. Besides, he can't give you what I can." He didn't get defensive as I expected him. He believed what he was saying and honestly, I did too. I did not know why but suddenly I was thinking of Bullet standing in front of me, looking down at me, his hand on my chin caressing my jaw as I slowly unzipped his... Snap out of it girl!
"It is easy to bad mouth the competition, Dr. Steinmann; especially when Dr. Amisha is not here to defend himself. Whatever you might say about him, I am pretty sure he hasn't lied to me so far. But for curiosity's sake, what is it you think you can give me that Dr. Amisha can't?"