Page 11 of Perfection 2
Chapter Eleven
I had already broken every rule I ever made for myself just by coming here with Bullet. Despite what he may think, I did not trust him but I could not deny my physical attraction to him. And right now this was enough motivation to keep me interested but I knew myself well enough to know that this wouldn't do forever. This is only for the weekend, Lilly. Yeah, I got that.
Last night had been fun, exciting and a little dangerous. I liked that. I never had sex in public before, at least, what I called public. We were on the living room floor and there were people in the house. The whole time we were having sex in front of the fire, I felt like someone was watching us. But in that moment, it didn't matter. I was sure that Bullet thought he was sexy enough to get whatever he wanted from me but I did have my limits. I just wasn't ready or willing to share with him what those limits were. Bullet was the kind of guy that would always push the envelope — he always needed a new challenge, something else to keep him aroused. It would be a fair guess to say that Bullet had never had a serious girlfriend.
I'd never dated a guy like him — Evan was quite the opposite. For someone who enjoyed having affairs, and the bedroom, in general Evan was pretty vanilla—and pretty boring. The most exciting thing we had ever done was try glow-in-the-dark condoms. He preferred the missionary position and didn’t enjoy it when I took charge. I was discovering that I liked being in charge. I liked that Bullet liked me in that role, occasionally.
I had sent a long text to Kate last night giving her some of the detail of what I had been up to. She was proud that I was embracing my new “free spirit” attitude but she cautioned me back to reality. Eventually, I stopped texting and called her. I had too much to say, too much to talk about. I guess I wanted to brag a little.
"Now you know girl, this is just for the weekend. I hate to say it but once he comes home, it will probably be nothing more than a friendship if that. Bullet is the kind of guy you should have fun with, probably not the guy to do much else with."
I frowned at myself in the vanity mirror. This was really a nice room, much larger than my current apartment. "I know that, Katie. I'm just having fun – like you told me to, —I might add." I didn't need her to remind me that to Bullet, I was just a sex object. He made that pretty clear.
"Yes, but I know you too my friend. You are not that great at one night stands. And that’s what this is—one long booty call."
"Got it! One long booty call." I laughed. I could not believe I was having this
conversation with her. Normally, it was Kate having fun and me living vicariously through her. I don’t think I had been on more than a handful of dates since Evan and I broke up. He kind of killed my trust factor when it came to guys. That was pretty obvious.
"So tell me about this Rafe character. And what was her name, Eve? So they like doing it everywhere?"
"It sure looks that way. On the plane, on the boat, I think they may have even been watching us last night. I hope Bullet doesn't think I am down for an orgy. You know I have never done anything like that. I don't know what I would say if he asked me that. I agreed to keep his interest, not the interest of him and his friends." I chewed on my bottom lip.
"I don't know what I would do if that were me. It would be hard to resist Bullet to begin with. I mean, geesh. The guy is perfect. Has he had work done because I don't think anyone can look as perfectly gorgeous as he does without help? Why would Mother Nature be so nice to one guy?” Kate cackled in my ear. “I guess you can't ask him that. That might be a mood killer." Kate laughed aloud at the idea of me asking Bullet if he had any work done.
"I won't be asking him that but I haven't seen any scars. And I can tell you one thing he is as perfect naked as he is with his clothes on," I bragged. “I guess if I had one criticism it would be that he isn’t big on foreplay but I guess that is just time killer. Don’t get me wrong, he is generous in the bedroom. Did I tell you we did it twice yesterday?”
"Get out of here! I knew it. I bet the sex is great." I didn't give her an answer but my chuckle told her everything. "You are so lucky. Well, enjoy the weekend and don't think about things too much. I mean, unless you come back with a tattoo that says “Bullet’s Girl” you should be able to come back and forget all about it. Go ahead and get him out of your system and then you can have the surgery that you wanted. I think he's a man of his word and he will do what he says." I hoped she was right but to be honest, I was having too much fun to worry about it right now.
"You didn't tell me what happened with Riley. I'm sure you guys made up, right?"
"Of course, but man — did he play hard to get. You won't believe what I had to do to get his attention. I didn’t think he would for a little while. For someone so laid back typically, he really was pissed.” She laughed amusedly. “He was not going to forgive me for leaving him at the restaurant. But I did it. I got him back."
Kate sounded happy and I was glad for her that things were working out now. Riley saw Kate's a good girl and that she was breaking new ground. I don't recall ever seeing Kate so smitten with a guy. That was something in and of itself. But if he didn't straighten up, I would have to have a talk with Mr. Riley Patterson.
"Details!" Kate went on to tell me all about her attempts at seeking to win Riley on a cheap ukulele she found at a local thrift store. Apparently, she parked outside his window and sang away until he came outside. It was kind of Romeo and Juliet-ish but in reverse and with music. "Girl, no one can compete with you!" We said our good nights and I woke up feeling a little sore in certain places but happy.
Music played and even though it was only ten in the morning, our little party decided it was the perfect time for beers and wine. I sipped on a chardonnay while Bullet drank beer. He and Rafe talked about sports, car and travel while Eve danced around the deck. She’d already stripped down to her bathing suit and had a beer in her hand. She had rhythm and liked to smile. “Come on, you dance with me, you dance with me.” I pushed her away a few times but eventually, I succumbed to her insistent badgering. She didn’t bother me or put her hands on me, we just danced playfully. Eve was the definition of a free spirit. I wondered if perhaps, she was a paid professional. I didn’t see any real affection between her and Rafe, not like you would expect if they were dating but then again…what did I know? Bullet and I weren’t dating either but he was definitely affectionate. He kissed me all the time, treated me courteously and made sure I had everything I needed.
The guys clapped and whistled for us but they didn’t move. The song was over and it was getting hot on deck. I stripped off my tank and slid out of my sweaty shorts. Eve padded over to the table and grabbed a bottle of tanning oil. She said something to me, but of course I didn’t understand her. “She wants to put that lotion on your back. She says you are getting red.” Rafe interpreted her request for me.
I knew that couldn’t be true. I never burned; as a matter of fact, the more sun I got, the more bronze my skin became. Still, I sat down on the towel she stretched out and allowed her to rub my body with lotion. It wasn’t a thrill for me but she seemed happy to do it and the guys got strangely quiet. So typical, I thought to myself. Eve’s busy hands covered me pretty quickly then she handed me the bottle and smiled. “Oh, my turn?” I squirted the lotion in my hand and began applying it. She raised her hands over her so I could get her waist. Once I was done, she surprised me with a kiss, dropped her top and then jumped off the side of the boat into the cool water of the lake. I stared after her, mesmerized by her globe-shaped breasts. She splashed and played in the water and then floated on her back, her breasts pointing up at the warm sun. I felt a twinge of jealousy. My breasts weren’t nearly as large or full as hers. That seemed so unfair.
Rafe said something to her in their mutual language and she answered him with a laugh. Were they talking about me? I would never know. Before I knew what was happening, Bullet had stripped down to his swimming suit and was over the side. “Whoa! That’s cool!” He said as he popped back up. Eve splashed water at him playfully and he laughed. The two swam around and Bullet made it no secret that he liked looking at Eve’s breasts which were everywhere. Don’t get jealous, he’s not your boyfriend. The other half of me said, “Well, how would he like it if I flirted with Rafe?” That inspired me to try something.
I handed Rafe the lotion. “I think she missed my neck. Would you mind getting that for me?” I lifted my hair and sat in front of him with my back to him. I lifted my curls and leaned down. Rafe squirted some lotion from the bottle and with expert hands, slowly rubbed it into my skin. I watched Bullet who pretended to ignore me; he kept his eyes on Eve who I could see was rubbing parts of his body underwater with her tiny feet. I forgot all about Rafe until his hands slid down to my bikini string. With two quick pulls, he had my top off. I was so surprised, I didn’t do a thing.
“No tan lines. All smooth is much better,” the big Viking said in broken English. I let him rub my back and I closed my eyes to enjoy the mini massage he was giving me. I thought he would do the front too, I mean he could easily reach around to my breasts, but a shadow caused me to open my eyes. It was Bullet standing over me, wet and smiling. Eve was still in the water. I had Rafe behind me on the seat, rubbing me, saying something in Icelandic and Bullet in front of me. He leaned down and kissed me as if to say, “Yes, have some fun.” In the heat of the moment, I didn’t know what I should do. Slide down Bullet’s pants and blow him right there? Hope that Rafe would take me from behind at the same time? I was so turned on that my bikini felt wet and I hadn’t even been swimming. No, I wasn’t ready for that. I grabbed my bikini top and said, “Thank you Rafe.” Bullet didn’t push me to stay, he just grinned even wider.
I struggled to tie on the top again and Bullet came to help me. As he tied the top and bottom string he said, “You know, I don’t mind a bit if you have a little fun with Rafe or Eve.” I turned around to look at him in the eyes. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that and I told him so.
His smile disappeared. “You aren’t getting feelings for me are you, Lilly?”
I froze and went into denial mode. “Of course not. I just have some standards, that’s all. For your information, I have lived a very sheltered life and I like it like that. I don’t normally go away for a weekend with a virtual stranger and his two friends.” He eyed me suspiciously. I wish I knew what he was thinking –but then again, maybe I didn’t want to know. Was I developing feelings for him? Damn. “You know why I’m here, Bullet.”
Was that disappointment in his face? I couldn’t tell. The man could mask his feelings better than anyone I knew. I wondered how he got so good at not loving anyone but himself. I didn’t dare ask, at least not right now. “Done swimming?” I changed the subject.