Page 13 of Perfection 2
“I believe it.” What else should I say? What was allowed? This was getting awkward.
We both tried to talk at the same time—like two people just meeting one another. We laughed again. “Ladies, first.”
“What do you do for fun? I mean besides taking sex-cations.” He almost choked on his water.
“Sex-cation? Wow, that is good. I will have to remember that.”
“I can’t take credit for that one. That was nothing but Kate.”
He rubbed his lip with his finger nervously. “Um, yeah I have taken a ‘sex-cation’ before but it has been a while. As I told you though, this is my first time to bring anyone up to the cabin.”
“This is my first vacation in at least four years. Well, besides the occasional day trip. I spend a lot of time playing my violin. I had an audition for the Metro Symphony yesterday.” Oh well, I guess that was too much information.
He grinned at me. “That’s great. I hope you get it.” The other two members of our party came down the ladder looking for some food.
“So hungry!” Hey! I understood her. I guess she was hungry after that show she put on. Don’t be judgmental, Lilly.
“How about after lunch we head back to the cabin? I think I’m ready for a hot shower.” Bullet leaned across the table and kissed me. I was looking forward to it.
Chapter Twelve
I flipped on the warm water and set the showerheads. This shower was the largest in the cabin with lots of extras like a shelf seat and some handles. Lilly stripped off her wet clothes and stepped into my shower. Despite the coolness of my skin, my body was aroused just by looking at her. I couldn’t believe that she still wanted to go through with the breast surgery. She had flawless breasts. I stepped in the shower behind her. She was under the warm water, allowing the pulsating action of the showerhead to massage and warm her.
I squirted some shampoo in my hand. “Here, let me.” She wiped water from her smiling face and turned her back to me. I rubbed the cedar-scented shampoo into her hair and rubbed the suds up to a good lather. The bubbles slid down her narrow back and onto her picture-perfect rear. I rubbed there too. “Now rinse.” I commanded her. As she washed the soap from her hair, I scooped her breasts with my hands and began to suck on them. So sweet and firm. I loved them!
With more soap and shower sponges, we scoured one another. She washed my back, arms, thighs and legs leaving the rest of me for last. Lilly soaped her hand up and rubbed my genitals lightly. She gently nudged me back into the shower and the water washed me clean. “Your turn,” I growled at her. I soaped my hand and began to wash her soft spot, careful not to get soap inside her. Once I rinsed the soap away, I knelt down and lapped at her with my tongue. I spread her legs apart, moving one to the ledge so she wouldn’t fall down. The water streamed over us and I licked her and used my fingers for added stimulation. My work had the right effect because she shuddered a little. “Mmm….” Lilly murmured in pleasure.
With my free hand, I rubbed her unspoiled breasts, and soon she was rocking back and forth, experiencing her orgasm. I probed her gently with my fingers as she came for added stimulation. Her hands flew around and she bit her lip. I let her relish the experience then I pressed my body against hers. I was fully hard; watching her writhe under my tongue had brought me to full attention. I wanted some for myself.
“I want you to do something for me.” I whispered in her ear.
“Okay,” she panted obediently. “What is it?”
sp; “I want to play with your ass. Will you let me?” My breath was rugged and I felt myself harden even more. I couldn’t believe I was asking her this. I could see her hesitate. “I won’t hurt you and I won’t penetrate you. I can tell that you have never done that before but I promise you, it will feel good.”
She kissed me under the warm shower and nodded, her eyes full of desire for me. I bent her over, my back under the water. She leaned down and took the back handles of the shower. I slid my penis into her and shoved hard. For fun, I smacked her bottom and she yelped in surprise. “Did that hurt?”
“No, Bullet.” I stared at Lilly’s perfect ass in front of me. I moved back and forth feeling her wetness increase. “Please do it again.” I smacked her bottom again.
“This is mine. You are mine!” I drove my penis into her repeatedly and she opened up like a rosebud. With my finger, I played with her ass, not really going deep, just enough to stimulate her. I rocked back and forth on my heels, giving her everything I had. Her ass was round, the skin tight and light bronze. All her nether regions, like her nipples were light pink and perky. I loved seeing my penis slide in and out of her gorgeous vagina. Tired of the shower, I decided we needed to take this party to the bedroom. We dried off quickly with towels and I picked her up and carried her to my bed. She was playing along so nicely; it didn’t hurt to throw in a few romantic overtures, did it? Only fair, right?
“I told you that wouldn’t hurt. It was good, wasn’t it?” Lilly nodded, her eyes luminous. I could see how excited she was—I was too. We lay on the bed together, kissing each other hard. Her toned arms were dangling around my neck when she wasn’t touching my manhood. I loved feeling her hands on me. Playfully, she bit my lips and I pretended to chew her neck. In just a minute, we were back at it. My hands were on hers, pressing her down on the bed; she was bucking against my waist, her beautiful hair spread around her like a golden cloud, her lips parted perfectly. I had every intention of making the moment last but before I knew it, waves of euphoria washed over me. I came hard, groaning under the speed and strength of the orgasm.
I lay on the bed, completely spent. The blonde woman beside me smiled and snuggled up into my arm. We were breathless and the irony was, we both needed another shower. “You are one hell of a lover. I hate to think where you got those mad skills.”
“I took my college education seriously.” She sat up on one arm and stared at me. “What? They don’t teach that in medical school?”
“No, but I didn’t study as much as you might hope.” I laughed. “I spent a lot of time doing extra-curricular activities.”
“I see. Well, they have certainly paid off. Thank you to all those who helped you with your research.” She gave me a mock salute. Then it dawned on me- I did like her. This felt a lot like my serious, albeit relatively short time with Andrea, the only girl I ever said, “I love you too.” How did that work out for you, Bullet? Hmm…not too well. Now she was my sister-in-law and I had to be okay with that. Hell no, I wasn’t doing that again. Women were a part of life, but I would never say that again or mean it. I had to put the kibosh on this now. I had a devilish idea, one that would surely end any ideas that Lilly might have about me.
“So what did you think about today? Enjoy your trip to Taylors Island?” I stroked her arm and absently stared at the ceiling.
She flipped over on the bed, leaning on her hands and elbows. She pushed my hair back from my eyes. “Yes and no. The water was perfect. I liked the little island too.”