Page 3 of Perfection 2
That made no sense. I deleted the whole thing and started over.
You guys won't believe this but I was propositioned today! This guy I know, okay full disclosure I had a one-nighter with him, asked me to go away with him for the weekend. My first instinct was to say no — not because the sex was bad. Au contraire! But because he lied to me about something very important. There are extenuating circumstances that I cannot go into but I am confused about what I should do. Should I go and spend a lost weekend was this man that I'm obviously attracted to? Or should I tell him to get lost?
I know by asking this question to you, Dear Audience, I will probably catch some heat. That is okay, I realize I'm being a little immature here. It is just that it has been such a long time since I have been attracted to anyone and now here I am practically drooling over this guy. (Did I mention he is a doctor?) You know the Plucky Heiress is not a desperate gal but I'm in a real dilemma here. What is your advice? To make matters more complicated, I have to give him my answer tomorrow.
I hovered over the submit key—a practice I have learned to do over the years. Posting a heated blog post is not always a good idea. I really had no way of knowing how many people read my blog but according to my stats, I had 20,000 followers. I left the post hanging and got up to pour my soup into a bowl. Grabbing a spoon and a napkin, I hunkered down again at my table. Did my fans really care about my personal life? Honestly, I rarely posted about the details of my life. My followers were concerned more about style fashion and the latest beauty trends it seemed than my personal life. Maybe I shouldn't do this. I closed the computer for now and enjoyed the quiet meal.
No, I need to say no. This is a horrible idea. As my mother used to say, "When people tell you who they are, believe them." Hadn't Bullet just revealed himself a liar? That is it. I will believe him. I reached for my phone to send him a text informing him of my decision, just as a courtesy, when it rang. It was Kate. About time!
"Howdy, Lilly. How has your day been?" That was the opening I needed — I told her everything without pausing. When I was done, Kate laughed her soft, lilting laugh.
"So why again does this upset you?"
"Didn't you just hear what I told you, Kate? He propositioned me — he wants me to go away for the weekend and..."
I heard her sigh on the other end of the phone. "Lilly I don't see what the problem is. It is not like you haven't already been intimate with him and I know for a fact that you enjoyed it. So what is the problem? Go have a good time and get him out of your system. "
Was this really the best advice she could give me? "There is so much wrong with that idea I don’t even know where to start. You think it is okay to go away with this man who lied to me, for a weekend in a cabin in the woods? He said he wanted me to 'keep his interest.' You know what that means, right?"
"Yes! I know exactly what he means and I wish it were me he invited. You could do much worse than being asked to go on a mini sex-cation with Bullet Steinmann. You are not a teenager anymore, Lilly. You are a grown woman with needs and desires. There is nothing wrong with wanting to explore some new ground." Uh-oh, I sensed that there was trouble in paradise. Could Kate be bored with Riley already? Was the wedding off? I wanted to ask but I also wanted to be clear on this point.
"So you think I should go?" I flushed at the idea of taking Bullet up on his proposition.
"Yes times a thousand. Even if you are not interested in him for a relationship, you have to know he is the best in his line of work. I mean, he says he will do the job; you want him to do the job so go have some fun. If you are looking for permission, I'm giving it to you. No one has to know where you're going or what you're doing."
"Katie... What is going on? I can tell something isn't right in your world. Do you want to talk about it?"
My friend sighed again and said, "It's nothing I can't handle. Thank you
for asking though."
"Not a problem. I am here if you need me as you have always been for me. I'll be up late studying if you want to chat."
"Thanks, Lilly. Later." Kate hung up and I mulled over her advice. Should I really take him up on his offer? I decided my decision could wait a little longer, I needed a shower and a little more time to consider Bullet's offer.
Chapter Four
I hit the snooze button on the nightstand. I had been traveling a lot recently and it was finally catching up with me. I slung myself out of bed and got ready for my day. I had a handful of appointments and a consultation with another doctor this afternoon but other than that, my day was pretty free. It was Thursday, the day when Lilly might call. At first, my proposition seemed like a good idea, although now I didn't give it much of a chance for success. She was an adventurous woman but I could tell she was also practical, more down to earth than I initially gave her credit for and she was severely pissed at me.
Maybe she won’t call. Well, it was an off chance to begin with. I did not have anyone to blame but myself. What made me think that I could influence her or convince her not to have surgery? I should have just kept my mouth shut and enjoyed what I could get from her.
I stepped in the shower and let the hot water beat down on my shoulders and neck. I may have overdone it at the gym yesterday; I was feeling it now. As I soaked, I thought of Lilly, her perky breasts, her warm, golden skin and her tight box. Man, this is not a good way to start the day. I took a few extra minutes in the shower, just to take the edge off. There was no way I could get through the rest of the day with a stiff leg. I had behaved myself recently, except with Lilly. I had refrained from dabbling with my patients including two very insistent women, Carmen Fuentes and Rhonda Milford. So far so good. I was no saint — not by a long shot — but I was managing to stay on top of things.
As expected, my day schedule was the usual; reviewing files, meeting with clients and scheduling surgeries. The way it looked, I was almost booked up for the rest of the year. However, I kept a few slots open for my preferred clients — including, hopefully one Lilly Brightwood. In between measuring bodies and assuring patients that their cosmetic surgery dreams would come true, I checked my phone for missed messages. Nothing yet but I was not ready to give up hope.
After lunch and my consultation with Dr. Campbell concerning Rhonda Milford's upcoming lipo surgery, I called my housekeeping service and my chef to verify the preparations. At four o'clock, I was happy to see Lilly's name appear on my cell phone. So how should I play this? Don't be a jerk, Bullet.
"Good afternoon, Miss Brightwood."
"Surely, we're on a first name basis now—right, Bullet?" I froze, could this be happening?
"I'd like that Lilly. Have you made your decision?" I stared out the window and looked at the city below. I felt a thrilling surge of sexual excitement just by hearing her husky voice on the phone. Lilly sounded confident, even in control—I liked that.
"I have cleared my calendar for the weekend. I will go with you on this trip but I expect you to stick to your word. No trying to get out of it. You'll give me what I want, the way I want it and you won't interfere, right?"
"That's right. Anything you want, the way you want it."