Page 8 of Perfection 2
I heard the car door open behind me and felt her near me. The breeze caught her hair and lifted it gently from her shoulders. I looked at her but did not say anything. She was still pissed — that much was clear, but at least she was standing next to me.
"Why are we here? Why am I here?" She moved a strand of hair out of her face and stared at me with her vivid green eyes. I stuck my hands in my pockets and sighed. What could I say? I am just a jerk? I was that.
"You are here because I wanted you to be here. Why did you come?" It was her turn to be a little honest. "Why did you agree to come out here with me? As you've pointed out, you aren't broke and you think you are better than me."
"I never said I was better than you. Don't put words in my mouth." She stomped her foot on the deck of the boat and her hand flew to her hip defensively.
We stood under a rising moon and glistening stars but the beauty of our surroundings was wasted. I suddenly felt angry. Why was I doing this? It was obvious that Lilly Brightwood was uptight and not the free-thinking, free-loving woman I thought she was. Why had I bothered to bring her here? Once again, a woman disappointed me. As if she read my mind, she said, "I'm not a prude, Bullet, but I feel like you play mind games with me."
"Fair enough." I did not really want to talk but it looked like she wanted to.
"First, you lie to me. Then you practically
blackmail me into coming and then when I get here, I find out that," she lowered her voice as if they could hear her from the car, "Mr. Exposure and his Giggly Girlfriend will be joining us for the weekend! I mean, what the hell, Bullet?"
"Lilly, are we going to rehash this all weekend? I have already apologized and explained my motivation for lying. I meant what I said but I have nothing to add to that. I never blackmailed you; I simply made you an offer. If you have changed your mind or you change your mind during any moment this weekend, please tell me. I will be happy to drive you back to the airport. You are not a prisoner here but someone I am interested in. I asked you to maintain my interest just for the weekend." My temperature was rising and my temper. Deep breaths, Bullet. "As far as Rafe and Eve go, well I owed him a favor. He heard about my cabin from a mutual friend and asked if he could come the next time I came up. So, I called him. I knew he was demonstrative but I didn't know he was a full on performer." Okay, so I lied a little. It seemed to make her happy because her expression softened.
She leaned against the wind; we were approaching the peer. "Oh, I thought it was something like that."
"I'm not interested in Rafe or his friend — I am interested in you." I leaned my back against the railing and smiled at her. I pulled her close, my hands around her small waist. She did not struggle but she didn’t get closer either. The ferry gave a toot and the moment was gone. "I guess we better get back in the car. We're almost there." On my way back, I glanced at Rafe who had his seat nearly all the way back and was enjoying a blowjob from the eager-to-please Eve. Lucky bastard.
The ferry landed at the dock and I carefully drove the car off the boat and down the driveway to the cabin. The lights from the cabin shone like a beacon against the black around it. We were truly isolated down here. The nearest house was over a mile away. I paid a pretty price for this place but the privacy alone made it worth it. I would never tell her this but Lilly was the first woman I brought here. I didn't try to figure out why.
We pulled into the parking spaces and I popped the trunk to remove the luggage. Rafe met me, looking satisfied and happy. "Your woman seems a bit uptight. Perhaps I should send Eve up to you this evening?" I half believed that Rafe was kidding but his serious look proved to me that he wasn't. I tried not to laugh — as if I would be interested in Eve. My standards were far higher than rates. No, I knew what I wanted. It might take some work but Lilly would be mine.
"As intriguing as your offer is, I must decline. Thank you. I think our supper is ready. I hope you are hungry?"
"I am always hungry!" Rafe laughed aloud and together we strolled into the cabin with the luggage; the ladies were behind us.
I was proud of the house. The wooden floors gleamed and the soft lighting set the tone for a sexy weekend, at least I hoped it would be something like that. I would hate to be frustrated all weekend long. I wasn't going to play coy with her—she knew why she was here.
"Andre has some supper ready. If you all would like to freshen up a bit, I will show you your rooms—they are upstairs. Let's meet for supper in about 30 minutes. After that, you'll be on your own."
I gave Rafe and Eve a nice large room to share, complete with a fireplace and a king-sized bed. I toyed with the idea of making Lilly stay with me but after our trip here, I knew that wouldn't fly. I showed her a smaller room, next to mine but it was equally nice. No fireplace but there was a relaxing Jacuzzi tub. "If you need anything, I'm right next door."
"Thanks, Bullet. This looks like a lovely room." Her sweet smile warmed my heart and other areas of my body.
"Do you think we could talk before dinner?"
She opened the door to her room and looked back at me. "Sure, that sounds great. See you in five minutes?"
"That works for me. Why don't you stop by my room? Like I said, I'm just next door." I joked with her. She laughed aloud and I left her to unpack.
I didn't unpack much, just hung some clothes in the closet and slid some casual clothing in a drawer. I heard a tap and opened the door. It was Lilly- she had changed into blue jeans and a fitted t-shirt. She looked incredible—even casual. Good enough to eat. there's a thought.
"How is your room? Do you need anything? Towels?"
"I think I have everything I need but thank you for being such a gracious host. When did you buy this place?" Lilly walked around the room, admiring the pictures of the lake and the big windows that overlooked it.
"A few years, three I think. I am ashamed to say I have only been up here once or twice a year. It really is gorgeous—I can't wait for you to see it in the daytime. It can get pretty dark out here at night. If you're afraid of the dark, I'm right here. I will leave a light on for you."
"Just when I think you are human..."
I didn't touch her even though I wanted to. "I have to know, have you changed your mind about our deal? You keep my interest tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday and I will give you exactly what you want — the breast job of your dreams, right?"
She paused at the window, turned and smiled at me. “You really want me, don’t you?” I felt my penis stiffen slightly and my nipples hardened against my linen shirt. In a whisper, I confessed the truth.
“Yes.” It wasn’t a secret. I didn’t know what she wanted from me.