Page 7 of Perfection 3
“Well, you get to pick. You get to tell the truth about something or you have to take a dare. It’s that simple.” Oh, here we go again with the truth thing. Well, I warned her.
“Why don’t you show me how it is played — you go first.”
“Okay so you have to ask me truth or dare?” She walked backwards in front of me, her arms crossed challengingly. I loved her in those blue jeans.
“Truth or Dare, Lilly?”
“I will take truth for five hundred, Alex,” she said laughingly, imitating a popular game show host. “Now you have to ask me a question and I have to tell you the truth. So what do you want to ask me?”
“Hmm…that’s a toughie. Let’s see…Alright, I’ve got one. I noticed that you keep certain areas of your body nice and smooth. Do you wax or shave?”
“What? That is your question?” Lilly laughed aloud.
“Hey, you never said what kind of question.” She raised her hands as if to say, you got me.
“You are right. There is no such thing as a stupid question. At least, that is what my professors tell me. If you must know, I wax. Now it is my turn. So what will it be, Bullet? Truth or dare?”
“I will take truth. I’m turning over a new leaf, right? This seems like a good way to practice.”
“So truth… Here is a question for you. Who was the first girl you ever kissed? And it can’t be a relative.”
“That’s easy. Bailey Parker — we were in the third grade. I kissed her right on the lips during our school’s Christmas program. I caused quite the scandal.” The memory of Bailey in her snowflake costume brought a smile to my face. I had not thought of her in years. “So what about you?” I wondered who Lilly’s first kiss came from. With her natural openness and sexual enthusiasm I had no illusions that I was her first anything. I did not hold that against her. I had never been the kind of guy that liked dating inexperienced women. Lilly was not a floozy by any stretch of the imagination; I could tell she was basically a good girl.
She wiggled her finger at me. “No, no doctor. No cheating. You have to ask me, ‘Truth or Dare?”
I felt a little aggravated. Why couldn’t we just talk instead of playing a silly game? Well, it made her happy so I guess that was what mattered. I really hoped I would get to see her naked body a few more times during her stay with me. “Truth or dare?”
“Who was your first?” By her facial expression I could tell I picked the wrong question. Damn! She wanted honesty — she should be prepared to give it too.
“My first was Evan. We dated for two years.”
I thought about that for a minute. I wanted to ask her a few more questions about this Evan but she wanted to play this game. “Your turn. Ask me.”
“Truth or dare?”
“Dare!” The conversation was getting too heavy, too quickly and we needed to change the subject. Time for some fun.
“Oh wow! I wasn’t prepared for a dare. Let me think.” She tapped her little finger on her bottom lip to show me she was thinking. “I dare you to tell me you love me.”
I froze. What? How was I supposed to respond to that? Lilly gave me an expectant look — I had to respond. Did I love her? Was that what she wanted to hear? Was this some sort of test? I swore to be honest but what was I supposed to say? I wasn’t sure myself how I felt, much less ready to declare my love for her. I had not done that since…well. I wasn’t ready and I didn’t know. I frowned at her. “That’s more like a truth question, not a dare. Do you really want to hear me say, ‘I love you’ on a dare?”
Lilly turned and walked ahead of me, then spun around with a smile. ?
?Just testing you. No, I wouldn’t want that at all. I’ve got another dare you can do…”
“Nope, I’m not an aficionado at this game but I am pretty sure you can’t just propose another dare. It’s my turn. You forfeited yours.” I ignored her pouty lips. “Truth or dare.” Please say dare. She did! “I dare you to show me those perfect breasts.”
She pretended to look shocked but she carefully rolled up her shirt and gave me a nice long look. Her golden-hued skin practically glistened in the sun. “Perfect!” I told her.
She eased her shirt down and looked at me from lowered lashes. “You really think they are perfect?”
“Oh yes, in every way. As I told you before, they are the perfect shape. It’s hard to find those beautiful breasts without surgery.” Spontaneously, she kissed me and held my hand. I didn’t pull away. We walked along in silence for a while. I was glad the game was over. That could have been awkward. Did I love her? Well, I knew for sure I loved things about her, like the shape of her round bottom and of course her gravity-defying breasts, but what else? I loved to hear her laugh. I loved that she was playful and not sexually afraid. Some women hate trying anything new. Despite her inexperience, I mean, I assumed she was inexperienced, she was curious. I liked that she was intelligent and that she played music. But actually loving her? The idea seemed strange to me.
I dealt in black and white; what I could see, feel and touch. Love was an intangible. Not a constant thing. I was not a big fan of that. So far for me, love had been merely an idea. Not to say I hadn’t given it a try — I did once and it didn’t work out. Why put myself through that again? It seemed like needless punishment and I was not into pain, at least as far as I knew.
“I was thinking that it might be fun to go camping. You know get back to nature at least for a night before we go back to civilization. An open fire, maybe some fishing. What do you say?”