Page 4 of Perfection 4
“Not really. I went to thank him and he acted like he didn’t even know me. I mean who does that? Sends me an expensive gift and then acts like it didn’t mean anything—that I didn’t mean anything. After all that we did—together.”
“Never confuse sex with a relationship, Lilly. I told you that, girlfriend. So he acted standoffish when you went to thank him? Hmm…you need to change your strategy I think.”
I rolled my eyes and reached for a glass for my friend, pouring her a glass of wine. I could smell the lasagna—I certainly hadn’t lost my appetite despite all the disappointment I experienced today. “What do you mean?”
“Well, obviously he likes you or he wouldn’t have sent you this but you don’t need to be too available. Guys like Bullet, they need a challenge, they like it when you aren’t too available.”
“I haven’t even talked to him!”
“Calm down, I’m on your side, nitwit.” She hugged me and peeked in the oven. “I’m giving you some good advice here. If you want this guy—and I know you do, stop accepting gifts and don’t answer his phone calls—at least for a few days.”
“He hasn’t called me,” I said a little angrier than I expected.
She flashed her cat like smile at me, “He will.” I told her the rest of my bad news and like a true friend she offered to confront the Metro Symphony on my behalf. After doling out some sympathy, I eased the lasagna out of the oven and we waited for it to cool. It was good to be with my friend again.
“So tell me what’s happening in the wonderful world of Riley Patterson? Still keen on becoming Mrs. Patterson?” I sipped my wine, enjoying the warm sensation and fragrance. A good wine calmed the soul.
Kate perked right up and began talking about her wedding plans. In the short time they had known one another, they’d broken up, gotten engaged, broke up again and now here they were…planning to take a trip down the aisle. “There’s a little hiccup on that front but I’m still planning a wedding.”
“Really, what’s that? Old girlfriend stalking him again? Boy, that guy sure can charm the ladies, can’t he?” I chuckled at that idea. Riley wasn’t anything like Bullet. He didn’t have his strong, flat abdomen, powerful thighs and muscular arms. Riley’s body didn’t appeal to me but Bullet’s made me want to…
“Lilly! You aren’t listening! What the hell are you day dreaming about?”
I shook myself and reached for a plate. “Sorry, go ahead. You said there was a hiccup?”
“Yeah, as it turns out, Riley’s ex never signed the papers. So now we have to wait four weeks before we can make it official.” Kate slid the spatula into the lasagna and dumped it on my outstretched plate.
“What papers? Why would he need to wait?” Mm…smells so good!
“Haven’t you been paying attention at all? Riley was married once before, well, he still is technically.” I stopped and stared at my friend.
“How can you be so calm, Kate? You are dating a married man and you want to marry him? What the hell?”
She shrugged like it was nothing at all. “I know it sounds absolutely crazy but Riley didn’t know. He thought he was divorced. He signed his papers and turned them in, but she didn’t sign hers. That means they never made it to the judge. All he has to do is go down and get it done.” I didn’t like the sound of this. How in the world could someone be marr
ied and not know it? I smelled something fishy but I kept my mouth shut and listened to Kate. Fair is fair — right?
“Well I guess you know that Riley is not very motivated so you’ll probably have to stay on him, you know to get him down there. Have you talked to the ex-wife or soon to be ex-wife? What does she have to say about all this?” I dug into my lasagna. It did not fail to be delicious.
“She was fine. I talked to her the day before yesterday and she said she would meet us down there Friday. Her name is Tabitha — nice lady. Apparently they married young and broke up not long after they walked down the aisle. She says she has moved on and I like her.”
I laughed in amazement at my friend’s emotional resilience. Things that aggravated other people didn’t seem to matter to Kate. She has a big heart — I hope it doesn’t lead her into trouble. Or heart ache! “It sounds like you have everything under control so I won’t put in my two cents here. I know you will use your head. Keep me posted on what happens and no getting married at the Justice of the Peace without me. I want to be there!”
Kate raised her fingers and said, “Scout’s honor. I would never leave you out, Lilly. You are like a sister to me. Okay, you are a sister. Now where is the Parmesan?”
Chapter Four
As soon as Lilly walked out of the door in her sexy pumps I regretted the way I acted towards her. I knew Lilly well enough to know that it took courage for her to come here to see me. I waited 24 hours and then I called her from the privacy of my office. No answer. I didn’t leave a message but made a mental note to try again before I left for my meeting across town. I still wasn’t sure what I would say but I had to say something.
In-between my appointments I checked my phone for a message but I did not see anything pop up from Lilly. Just the usual, appointments, physicians and hospitals. At the end of the day I tried her number again and still nothing. I was beginning to believe that she was avoiding me on purpose, probably ticked because I gave her the cold shoulder when she came to visit me. I pulled into the valet line of Ronaldo’s and waited for the valet. I tapped on the phone once again this time leaving a message. “Hey Lilly, it’s me. I was wondering if you had plans this weekend. Thinking maybe we could have dinner soon. Did you hear anything from Metro? Anyway, call me, okay?”
I handed the keys to the valet and walked into the restaurant. Dr. Pennington waved me over to his table and I joined him. Pennington wasn’t just a former boss; he was a mentor and advisor and probably one of the only people that I completely trusted. When I was a resident at Singing River Hospital he had taken me under his wing giving me the heads up about certain positions – who was coming in and who was going out, that sort of thing. When he saw me screw up he called me on it. The older man had given me some good advice over the years and he didn’t sugarcoat anything. I liked that about him.
“So how is the new policy coming along? Having any difficulties?” That was Dr. Pennington — right to the point. I paused to place my drink order with the server before I answered him.
“Not as much as I thought it would be. I thought that I would miss some of the perks but frankly I don’t. A few of my clients are not happy with the new arrangement but I think they will adjust and if not, I am willing to let them go. You were right, I had let things get out of hand.”