Page 49 of A Fragile Wife
“Keep your hands off me.” Before, Lana was ready to rub herself all over this man, to give her husband a taste of his own supposed medicine. But when she felt that tug at her heart, she no longer wanted Caden as a person. She wanted him as a body. Lana was telling the truth when she said she wanted a man with one function only. Well, she would damn well treat him that way. And knowing most male subs around that club, he would love it as long as he got what he ultimately wanted.
A few curt words.
Everything in between.
Lana didn’t offer any paddles, crops, whips, or cock rings. She did, however, offer a scenario that made most men she encountered too excited to bear. Hence the hard cock she encountered when she opened those tight jeans and unleashed the very thing that made her legs push together.
“Well, look at this.” Lana had no shame grabbing Caden’s shaft and showing off his ridiculous erection. The man wasn’t just well endowed. He was a behemoth. Even the most hardened Domme would raise her eyebrows and get out extra lube from looking at that thing.
And Caden knew he had something unusual. He grinned at the way Lana looked at him. He even spared Ken a glance, the man with a perfect poker face. What he thought of Caden and what he was going to do to the woman of the room? Not even Lana was 100% sure anymore.
“You’re a big boy, aren’t you?” While Lana cooed in her new man’s ear, she sent the old one a signal they had used a hundred times over the years: she held up her left hand, wrapping her other hand around it and gesturing until Ken reached into the condom bowl and tossed his wife one. She almost missed it. “You wanna fuck me with that cock, Big Boy?”
Whether sub or Dom, men couldn’t keep themselves from smirking like they owned the universe when women asked them that question. “If it pleases you, Mistress.”
“Not just me. You need to please my husband too. He wants to see me fuck huge cock. You’ll see why soon enough. First…” She unbuttoned the front of her blouse, letting her breasts fall free from their casements so the warm, inviting air perked her nipples and let her feel a new wave of arousal through her body. She would need all the inspiration she could get. “You need to please me and get me wet. Can you do that, Big Boy?’
She spent this whole time stroking his length, in awe over how big he grew in those few moments. This man could be a porn star. Shave him all clean and pretty, fluff him off set, and then sick him on a little hot young thing who had a pre-stretched pussy. That’s not me. The idea made the whole situation hotter. Caden could have any woman he wanted with this monster. Yet he decided to go with Lana… and her husband. Even if the men never touched, there was no denying that they were both a part of this experience.
“You got it all under control, hon?” Ken asked from his chair. He continued to smoke, his eyes never leaving his wife’s form. I can feel his adoration from here. The feeling she felt for over ten years now. Maybe he really did still love her that much…
“Control? I always have everything under control.” Lana ran her hands across her nipples and then Caden’s hard, strong chest. Ah, youth. “I’m not opposed to you egging me on, though, dearest husband.”
“I always knew you loved the sound of my voice.”
Lana leaned down, licking her fingers and wetting the head of Caden’s cock. Whelp, time to break my jaw. “Don’t be a stranger over there.”
What Caden thought of this… who cared? The man was about to get a blowjob from an aggressive woman. He had nothing to complain about.
“Look at you go,” Ken said in a soft drawl. “Nobody sucks cock like my beautiful wife.”
Spurred on by her husband’s comment, Lana sucked on the tip of Caden’s cock. “And look at my husband,” she murmured on another man’s dick. “Watching his wife play the whore.”
“Honey, when my cock is a rod in my pants, you can be as loose as you damn well please.”
She dared him. “And when your cock isn’t a rod?” Caden’s scent was starting to get overwhelming, which was distracting, since Lana wanted to concentrate on her husband’s presence.