Page 51 of A Fragile Wife
“All right, Big Boy,” she said, sitting up and slapping the inside of Caden’s thigh. “You’ve been so good and such a perfect sport. It’s time for you to claim your prize.”
Before she could draw her knees onto the bed and get into position, however, her husband ripped off his tie and tossed it to her. “He doesn’t get to look at you,” he said, stern. “Only I do.”
Quivers. Quivers.
“Yes, sir,” she whispered.
“That’s my girl.”
His girl. Even now, so many years later, it sometimes felt too good to be true. How could this man be so in love with her? Was it real? Lana didn’t often believe in fate, but if such a thing brought her together with her husband, than she was willing to trust it for at least one more night.
Tonight, she belonged to him. She didn’t need a collar or wedding vows to prove that to herself and the world.
I want to please him. I want acceptance. Lana looped her husband’s tie around Caden’s face, blindfolding him. At this point, Caden would agree to about anything, let alone a little sensory deprecation. The moment the man could no longer see her, Lana ripped open the condom package… and laughed.
“Excuse me, sir,” she said, tossing the unused condom into the trash across the room. I should’ve been a basketball player. “You are seriously underestimating this man.”
Ken reached into the condom bowl again, this time pulling out a bigger size. “I was hoping you would say that.”
How many women could say they had a husband who found this hot? How many husbands wouldn’t get jealous? Whether of their wife being with another man… or how big that man was? Ken had never worn an XL condom before, Lana was pretty sure. Didn’t stop him from lusting after the image of his wife taking an XL dick.
“I knew you would like this,” Lana muttered, rolling the latex down Caden’s long cock. “All right, Big Boy,” she said, louder. “You’ve got one job. Fuck me.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“I said be quiet.”
The fact both Ken and Lana said it at the same time surprised no one.
Caden wasn’t here as a third wheel. He wasn’t even a person in this moment. He was a tool, full stop. A tool that lived to serve and be used.
Which was good. Because there was only one man Lana answered to at all, in any situation… and he was sitting a meager few feet away, vapor curling around his head as he watched his wife get on her hands and knees, facing him.
She could have given him a side view. She could have given him the porn treatment and let him see as much penetration as possible. I want to look into his eyes. Lana’s fingers curled around the edge of the bed as she opened her legs and felt Caden situate himself behind her. Because he’s looking right into mine. This was their moment, as husband and wife.
Poor Caden. He had no idea what he was dealing with, emotionally… or physically.
“Ah!” Lana had half a mind to turn around and swat the man trying to push his thick dick into her. “Watch it!”
Funny thing, being a woman of her standing in this situation. At some point she had to transform from Caden’s Domme to her husband’s sub. And that moment came when Caden pushed one whole inch in, Lana’s body stretching its damndest in order to accommodate something it was not used to.
Her body had to relax. She had to mind over matter the situation. She was Lana Andrews. People knew she could handle anything that came her way. What was one measly cock?
“That’s it, baby.” Ken’s voice kept her grounded through this tiresome scene. Good, because this hurts. Lana sucked in her breath and willed herself wider, feeling this other man’s heavy cock slowly slide into her. “Relax and take it. You’re so beautiful.”
He said that, but Lana didn’t feel very beautiful. She felt ridiculous, her knees sinking deep into the bed as her knuckles turned white enough to scare a doctor. The only way she was getting through the initial burst of discomfort was by regulating her breathing and focusing on her husband not so far away.
He was her rock. And now? He was the man getting off on watching his wife turn into the type of woman she begged him to call her during sex.