Page 22 of Secret Silver Nights
They said their goodbyes.
Monique reached her car and left the confines of the Golden Gates community. She also made up her mind to leave thoughts of anything romantic happening with Niko behind that gilded fence.
Niko walked to his parents’ home determined to stay focused, to keep his eyes on the mayoral prize. There was no time to dally with an opponent, no matter how sexy.
Both would learn that what one thought would happen and what sometimes actually occurred were two different things.
Chapter 9
The following Monday, Monique walked into a campaign office already bustling with activity. There were people manning the phone bank, volunteers sitting at a small conference table folding flyers to be mailed, some putting together placards for placement around town and others sifting through clothing for an upcoming career day for homeless and unemployed women. Her campaign manager was in the midst of it all.
“Good morning, Lance.”
“Morning, Mo.”
“Come into the office.”
“Close the door.”
He did.
“We’ve got a busy week ahead.” She bypassed her desk and continued on to the large whiteboard positioned against the office’s back wall. It was outlined in an at-a-glance format covering the next three months. “Has this been updated?”
“Yes, with several appearances and Memorial Day weekend’s Silver Serenade in San Francisco.”
“Perfect.” Monique’s private line on the office phone rang. She looked at the caller ID.
Lance stood. “Do I need to get that?”
“It’s Devante. I’ll call him back.”
“Is he attending the serenade?” Humor laced the question.
“Unless they can play a hip-hop beat with violin and harp, I don’t think he’d be interested.”
“Sounds like it’s going to be a grand affair. My husband and I would love to go.” With no response, he added, “Uh, that’s a hint, Mo.”
“I’d love to take the both of you, but Rob is escorting me.”
“Your ex?”
“That’s correct.”
“You two are still friends? That doesn’t happen often.”
“You’re right. But Rob isn’t your average guy.”
“He’s an above-average type.”
“That’s right.”
“Then why’d you break up with him?”
“Because while we work well as friends, we didn’t as romantic partners. Now, enough Q & A on that subject. Let’s get back to work.
“We’ve got dinner with the chamber tonight. I’ll be in San Francisco tomorrow and possibly Wednesday if I can’t get all of the business handled in one meeting. It looks like Thursday’s open?”
“Thought you might need a day in the office.”
“Half a day should be enough. Let’s see if we can squeeze in the hospital visit that we discussed. See if the administrator is available. I’d like to pick her brain for what we need to consider when planning to build an urgent-care medical facility.”
Lance nodded while taking notes on his iPad. “What about the weekend? I can scour the paper for events going on.”
“Sure, do that. But keep Friday night open. It’s Rob’s birthday.”
“Just friends, huh?” Lance mumbled under his breath.
“I heard that, and yes…we’re just friends. Hold my calls for the next hour. I’m going to work on the speech for tonight.”
Monique sat at her desk, and while she’d swear that mere moments had gone by, she looked up and it was four o’clock. Was it really three hours ago that Lance had stuck his head in the door and offered lunch? Her growling stomach was the answer. But it had been like this since her college days. When she got her head involved in something, it was like the rest of the world and everything connected to it faded to the background. Even eating. But not wanting to devour the meal at the chamber meeting like a woman starved, Monique stood, reached for her purse and decided to call it a day.
Two and a half hours later Monique felt revived. She’d stopped by the deli near where her campaign office was housed and, after discovering that it was the owner making her spinach salad, made a pitch for her company’s vote, as well. Finding out that the woman would also be at the chamber meeting had been an added plus. Then she’d gone home, squeezed in thirty minutes of yoga, took a hot shower and dressed in her favorite black power suit. Given the admiring looks from the two gentlemen standing just outside of the city auditorium where the dinner was being held, she’d succeeded in appearing professional and a tad bit alluring at the same time.