Page 36 of Secret Silver Nights
She lifted her glass. “To what shall we toast?”
“To your mayoral victory, of course.”
They clinked glasses, then walked into Monique’s small but tastefully appointed living room.
Monique sat in one of two accent chairs. “How’s business?”
“Steady, growing. I’m planning to hire another accountant for the firm.”
“It’s a testament to your skills that the company keeps growing, even in an economy that continues to be shaky.”
“Thanks, Monique. I appreciate that. Though I’d always envisioned my company expanding with you by my side.”
Monique took a sip of wine. There were no words to say. This past week had left her thoughts in shambles. Niko had turned her emotional world upside down, so much so that she had no idea of her personal future. She was certain, however, that it wouldn’t conclude with Rob Baldwin. He was a good man, but she couldn’t have kept denying her true feelings. Still, the thought of having hurt him made her sad.
Thirty minutes later they walked into Acquired Taste, one of Paradise Cove’s two main restaurants. After a short wait they were escorted to a table. Seated at the center of the dining room were some of the finest citizens California had to offer. Holding court was none other than Niko Drake.
He saw her immediately and stood as she walked by the table. “Monique, hello!”
She stopped. “Hello, Niko. Gentlemen.”
“Let me introduce my family. You’ve met Ike Jr. and Warren.”
“Yes. Hi, guys.”
Various greetings rang out as the men stood.
“These are my cousins from Southern California, Dexter and Donovan Drake.”
Dexter and Donovan stood. “A pleasure to meet you,” they responded, shaking her hand.
“This is their brother-in-law, my cousin, Jackson Wright, and my brother Terrell.”
Jackson and Terrell stood and greeted her. All eyes turned to the man by her side.
“This is Rob Baldwin,” she said. “Rob, this is mayoral candidate Niko Drake.” Niko turned to shake hands. Even though he was only six feet tall, his solid structure seemed to dwarf Rob’s five foot nine.
Monique watched Niko’s eyes sweep her body before returning his attention to Rob. “Are you helping Monique with the campaign?”
“You could say that,” Rob responded before placing a possessive arm around her waist.
Niko’s face remained passive. “I see.”
“Good to see you all,” Monique quickly interjected. “Have a nice evening.” Without waiting for an answer, she deftly removed Rob’s hand from her waist and then turned to follow the waiter.
Silence descended like a curtain as soon as they sat down. Much like earlier in her home, Rob eyed her critically. “You seemed nervous back there.”
“Did I?” She reached for the water glass, gripping it firmly.
He noticed. “And now.”
“Annoyed is probably a better word. You purposely tried to give the impression that there was more between us than friendship. I’d like us to remain cordial, Rob. But if you continue to try to force a relationship where one no longer exists, then I’ll have no choice but to cut ties with you altogether.”
“I apologize,” Rob answered after a lengthy pause. “It was a natural reaction after seeing how he looked at you.”
“Niko. It was definitely not as an adversary. Is there something going on with you two?”
“Rob, if we’re going to enjoy this weekend together, and I hope we will, I think we should change the direction of this conversation.”
Another pause. Rob conceded. “Whatever.”
Their salads arrived, and Rob and Monique successfully steered the conversation to less volatile topics: climate change, politics and their mutual love of classical music that had them looking forward to the Silver Serenade. Monique breathed a sigh of relief when halfway through their entrée she saw the Drake men get up and leave. Normally bypassing dessert for health reasons, she indulged in the apple pie à la mode just to avoid the inevitable—going back to her home with Rob.
But finally, it had to happen. The ride home was quiet, the tension intense. They dressed for bed. “I’m going to turn in,” she said once they’d shared small talk and watched both the local and national news. “Towels and toiletries are in the bathroom cabinet. There’s juice, water and snacks in the fridge. Make yourself at home. Good night.” She rose from the couch.