Page 52 of Secret Silver Nights
“I know.”
“It looks like you enjoyed yourself.”
“I did, immensely. The parade was fun, the picnic was nice and tonight’s ball was absolutely beautiful. I might pass on tomorrow’s activities, though. This festival wears you out.”
“Hey, when it’s the only excitement in the year, you go full on.”
“I see.”
“The people love you. I saw how they interacted with you on the route. Here I’m thinking I’d outshine everybody, the old pro and all. But you’re a natural.”
“I believe I’m hitting my stride. Next month’s debate is the last major public event before the election. Are you ready?”
“Of course.”
“Buddy’s a straight talker, but Dick… I’m going to have to watch him.”
“I wouldn’t worry about him. When shooting the breeze, he can talk your ear off. But he isn’t as prolific in controlled settings.”
“I think he’ll hold his own.”
“Babe, the craziest thing happened today. I’d forgotten about it until now.”
“During the parade, while looking and waving and everything, I could have sworn I saw that guy you dated.”
“No way.”
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Next time you talk to him, tell him he has a twin.”
“They say we all do.”
“You know I want to come over.”
“I know. I want it, too. But I’m too paranoid. My neighbors are nosy.”
“Then come over here.”
“Maybe we can go to the condo next week.”
Niko groaned. “Man, I’ll be glad when this election is over and we can go public.”
“You’ll be satisfied being the mayor’s man?”
“Ha! No, baby. It’s you the mayor will satisfy.”
“On that note, good night, Niko.”
Her sarcastically delivered comment brought out the throaty chuckle she loved. “Good night.”
Chapter 23
The residents of Paradise Cove filed into the crowded auditorium at city hall. It looked as though all three-thousand-plus residents had come to hear the candidates make their case for becoming their next mayor. There was a buzz of excitement in the air, not surprising considering that this was the first mayoral election in over a decade and the only time these candidates would debate.
Monique, Niko and the other two mayoral candidates, Republican Dick Schneider and Libertarian Buddy Gao, exchanged small talk while waiting inside a backstage room. Their assistants and a few city officials were also milling around. Niko was keenly aware of how good Monique looked, all conservative and professional in a navy suit, low-heeled navy pumps and pearls, while remembering how wild and receptive she was the other night when he’d pinned her against the shower wall with his powerful penis. Knowing the embarrassing situation that might occur from his line of thinking, and the desire that would only increase if he neared her, he turned to Dick, standing just a few feet away.
“I’m looking forward to debating you, Dick. This way we can clear up some of the rumors your camp has been fueling regarding my wanting to increase taxes for all the citizens of Paradise Cove.”
Dick smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Come off it, Niko. All of America knows that the only way you Democrat and independent types know how to raise money is to increase taxes.”
“Do you really think it fair that those in our tax bracket don’t share just a bit more of the financial burden for projects that will improve the quality of life in our town? We’ve been blessed to have more. Giving a bit more should not only be our obligation, but our pleasure.”
Dick’s eyes slid from Niko to just beyond his shoulder. “Speaking of pleasure, that’s a fine filly over there.” His voice was barely above a whisper as he slyly ogled Monique. “Too bad she’s using that pretty head of hers to compete in a man’s world.” His eyes slid back to Niko’s face, filled with daring.
Niko stayed calm, a huge feat given the fact he wanted to punch Dick in the face. His anger was mixed with a little guilt, though, given the thoughts that had crossed his mind just moments ago.