Page 62 of Secret Silver Nights
“The key is learning just who are the Independent Citizens for a New Paradise.” Niko reached for his iPad and opened a screen. “Either that or the corporation that’s bankrolling these ads. Commercial slots on major networks are not cheap. Not that money is a factor… Wait.” He checked the buzzing cell phone’s caller ID. “This is Teresa. What do you have for me, sis?” He listened intently while typing notes. “JDA Associates—that’s the corporation?” Terrell opened his mouth to say something, but Niko held up his hand. “Really? That’s interesting. Okay, got it. Thanks, sis. If you ever get tired of journalism, I’ll hire you as my detective. All right, love you, too.”
“What did she find out?” Terrell spoke immediately. “Is it him?”
“The corporation behind this Independent Citizens outfit is called JDA Associates. Anybody heard of them?”
No one had.
“They incorporated recently—I assume to help Dick. In recent weeks, they’ve made several donations to his campaign.”
“That’s opinion, Counselor. Conjecture. We need solid proof.”
“Okay, Ike. Check this out. After the debate, Schneider’s numbers took the biggest hit. He was being bested by a species he feels shouldn’t even be in the game. When it comes to that man and this election, circumstantial is all I need.”
Ike Jr. nodded, his eyes narrowing in thought. “Let’s assume you’re right. How can you prove it?”
Niko stood and gathered his things. “Haven’t figured that out yet. But I will.”
Chapter 27
“That sounds good,” Monique said, nodding as she navigated L.A. traffic and headed toward the airport. “I’ll write a draft and email it to you on the plane. I have a meeting first thing in the morning with the people securing the airtime, so let’s meet around noon. If at all possible, I want this ad to start running tomorrow night.”
As she was ending this call, another one came in. Niko. She tapped the ignore button and kept driving. Five minutes later, he called again.
“Niko, please stop calling me. We have nothing to talk about.”
“What about the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven?” Silence. “Monique, I’m trying to help you.”
“I’ll tell you how you can do that. Leave me alone.” End of conversation.
Monique took several deep breaths and tried to relax. Hard to do when you thought the man you loved betrayed you. Yes, it was love. As much as she’d tried to deny it, love was the only thing that could hurt this much.
She looked at her watch, noted her surroundings and turned left at the corner. It was a couple of hours till her flight, enough time to grab a to-go order from one of her favorite eateries. This quaint, family-owned Mediterranean establishment was not far from where Rob lived. Everything was homemade. Their falafels were divine. She found a parking space on the street, hurriedly walked the short distance to the door and stepped inside. Immediately she was assailed with a wonderful fragrance of spices, along with the beautiful smile of the daughter who ran the register.
“Monique! Hello! We haven’t seen you in ages.”
“It has been a while.” Before last night, she would have mentioned that she’d moved to Paradise Cove and was running for mayor. Right now, it felt good to just be Monique, attorney-at-law. “I’ve missed you guys.”
“We’ve missed you, too. This is for here, right?”
“Actually, no, can we make it to go?”
“Certainly. Your usual?”
Monique paid for the meal, then took her drink and sat in the small dining room, separated from the take-out area by colorfully decorated drapes. Having checked only sporadically, she was sure her in-box was filled with unread messages. Head down, she scrolled the screen and had answered several emails when she heard the cashier greet a customer.
“Hey there, Rob!”
He responded cheerfully. “Good afternoon! How are you doing today?”
Rob was here? How perfect a coincidence was that! She’d decided against Emma’s suggestion to call him. Looked as though fate had intervened. Smiling, Monique hurriedly placed the cell phone in her purse, grabbed her drink and headed to the counter.