Page 46 of Lavish Loving
“You know better than that,” he murmured, using his body to press hers against the wall. “In fact,” he continued, kissing her cheeks, eyes, lips, “if we weren’t leaving in two days, I’d have Frida cancel the reservation altogether. There’s no way I’m going to bed without you in it.”
“You’ll get no argument out of me. But I need to stop at my room and grab a few things.” They reached her floor. The elevator doors opened. “Coming with?”
“Sure, why not.”
London playfully fought Ace off her as they walked down the hall. It was as if he’d channeled an octopus and now had eight hands. When he tried to put a hand under her dress while simultaneously tweaking a breast, London ran to her door.
“No more champagne for you, Mr. Montgomery. You’ve lost all control!”
They were both laughing as she swiped the card and the door opened. Two steps inside the foyer, however, Ace’s smile slid away. There, on the dining room table, was one of the largest bouquets Ace had ever seen, and beside it, gift boxes.
“Oh!” London squealed. “Flowers!” Her eyes beamed as she looked at him.
Ace shook his head. “Not me.”
“Are you sure?”
They walked over to the massive arrangement. London searched for and found the card.
To the star of the runway, and the world. You light up my life. Your one and only…
Ace read the card over her shoulder. “Looks like I pegged it right at the warehouse. You might be over Max, but he’s not over you.”
“This isn’t from Max,” London replied, thoughtfully nibbling on her lip as she picked up two wrapped packages. “There’s nothing he does that doesn’t bear his name.”
She unwrapped the first package. A box of gourmet chocolates. Unwrapped the second. A sheer negligee.
“Are you sure this isn’t from you?” London asked, trying to add levity to a moment getting heavier by the second.
“Positive. Are you sure they aren’t from Max?”
“Ninety-nine percent positive.”
“Call him and make sure.”
“Let me get this straight. The same man you banned from future shows you now want me to contact?”
“Yes, as quickly as possible. It’s the second time this has happened in as many months. Right? Or have there been more?”
“No, just the other time in Temecula.”
“Yes, call him. I don’t like the feel of this.”
“It’s probably nothing more than an overzealous fan.”
“Who knows where you’ve traveled, and where you stay?”
“Papa Dee’s funeral announcement was in several papers. Maybe someone made a lucky guess.”
He made further points that she continued to counter. Partly, he knew, because she wanted these to be random coincidences, not signs of something ominous. She’d tried to make light of the situation, but he knew the truth. Could see it in her eyes. She didn’t like the feel of it, either.
“I didn’t send anything.”
London walked out of the bedroom of her suite and into the kitchen. Her voice was light but low. “That’s not the answer I wanted to hear, Max, but it’s what I figured.”
“Why’s that, my love? When we were together I sent you tons of flowers.”
“Yes, and you always signed your name.”
It was the following morning. London was in her suite at the Baccarat, along with Carly, the woman OTB had paid to be her personal assistant for the next four weeks. They were packing up for London, England, the next leg of the tour. Their flight left later today.
“It shouldn’t surprise you to have a secret admirer or two…or twelve.”
“It’s weird, though. A couple weeks ago, a gift was delivered to where I was in Temecula. A personal event that was announced, but that I hadn’t publicized anywhere.”
“It’s very easy to get information these days. You know that.”
“I guess. It still feels uncomfortable to have someone know your whereabouts when you don’t know who they are.”
“Our business attracts weird people, baby. It’s probably harmless, some shy geek millionaire garnering the courage to approach you. Sounds like some nice gifts, though. I’d enjoy them.”