Page 53 of Lavish Loving
“I…I don’t know.”
The no-nonsense police officer stepped forward. “Ma’am, what is the last thing you remember?”
London closed her eyes and began lifting herself up. Ace and Jennifer helped her to a sitting position. Her creased brow showed the effort it took to answer that simple question.
“Carly came in. I couldn’t find my…makeup-removing cream and called her to ask about it. She found it for me. And then…water. I asked her to bring me a bottle of water from the kitchen. That’s the last thing.”
The nice officer stood at the foot of the bed. “Where is that water bottle, Miss—what is her name?”
“London,” Ace answered.
“Clarisse,” Ike and Jennifer said in harmony.
“Miss London Clarisse,” Nice Officer continued, “where is the bottle of water you drank?”
“It was there.” London pointed toward the nightstand that was bare except for a lamp. “I’m remembering more clearly now. I drank some of it as I took off my makeup. About half. Then I came in here to take off my clothes and…” She looked down and saw the same sundress she’d worn on the plane. “I felt so tired I just laid down. But I don’t remember getting up. And I definitely don’t remember going to where the driver said he picked me up.”
“Driver?” Ike asked. “What driver, Clarisse?”
“The car that dropped me off just now. I woke up and was in this man’s car. I freaked out so much he had to pull over.”
“Who is this man?” Jennifer asked.
“I don’t know! He calmed me down, told me someone had told him to pick me up.”
Ace sat on the bed, reached for her hand. “From where, babe?”
“The Palazzo Primo.”
“Why would you be there, honey?”
“It’s where our show is happening.” Ace looked at No-Nonsense Officer. “Do you have probable cause to move forward now?”
Room service arrived with a cart bearing tea, water, sandwiches and soup. The manager had returned as well and was questioned by the officers as they took a full report. A detective was called in. He talked to everyone in the room along with the doorman and front desk clerk. Carly was questioned. For all, the answer was the same. “Non lo so. Non ho visto niente.” No one knew anything. No one saw anything. Carly had taken the incident personally, breaking down in tears.
“It’s not your fault,” Ace told her.
“But I feel like it is. What if there was something in the water? I gave it to her.”
“And you’re sure the seal wasn’t broken?”
“Yes. I unscrewed the cap and it was definitely sealed.”
All contents of the refrigerator and minibar were removed for analysis. The room was dusted for prints. A doctor arrived and examined London. Blood was taken for analysis. Finally, two hours later, London had been moved from her suite into a two-bedroom suite at her parents’ hotel. An OTB team assistant had been sent to retrieve her things. While Ace talked to Ike about recent events, Jennifer got London showered and tucked into bed.
Two somber faces greeted her when she walked into the living room.
“How is she?” both Ike Sr. and Ace asked.
“Already asleep.” Jennifer sat on the couch next to Ike. He placed a comforting arm around her.
“Clarisse is in trouble, honey,” Ike Sr. said. “Ace tells me she’s received anonymous packages, starting at Papa Dee’s home going in Temecula.”
“Oh, no! Why didn’t she tell us?”
“She thought it was just another overzealous fan,” Ace explained. “At first I did, too. Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“How’d they know her schedule, where she stayed?”
“Most likely the internet, Mrs. Drake. If you search hard enough and long enough, you can find out anything.”
Ike didn’t have any questions. “We’re taking her home.”
“No. I’m staying.”
Three pairs of eyes turned to see a tousled London walking toward them.
“Honey, what are you doing up?”
“Preventing you from planning my future, from the sounds of it.”