Page 67 of Lavish Loving
“Make that at all.”
“Ha! That’s okay. You can help me with this part. Just a little slicing and dicing for the macaroni and potato salads.” London looked dubious. “It’s easy. Promise. I’ll give you a little knife.”
Charli found a knife in the utensil drawer then pulled a bowl of boiled and peeled eggs, potatoes and pickles from a refrigerator shelf and walked over to a large inlaid cutting board on one of the granite countertops. “Okay, eggs or potatoes, your choice. Dice them any way you want. It’s going to be all blended up anyway, so if they’re not all uniform it doesn’t really matter.”
“Okay.” She tentatively reached for a boiled egg. “Why didn’t you ask Teresa? She would have been a much better choice. I’m all but allergic to kitchens.”
“A man likes a woman who can cook, even if it’s just a little bit. That fine hunk fawning all over you outside looks worthy of a home-cooked meal.”
“I’ll hire someone to come over and cook and serve it like I did the job.”
Charli started laughing. “You sound serious.”
“I am.”
London began chopping the eggs. Charli reached for a red onion and did the same. For a few seconds the two focused on the task at hand.
“Actually, there’s another reason I wanted you to help me,” Charli said. She slid the pile of chopped onions into a bowl.
“What’s that? Change your mind about participating in the fashion show?”
“No. That is and will remain a firm no.” She placed the knife on the counter and turned to lean against it. “I wanted to share something with you privately.”
London stopped chopping at the serious tone. “What?”
“We share some of the same type of pain.” Charli placed a comforting hand on London’s arm, her voice barely above a whisper. “I, too, was sexually assaulted.”
“Did my mom—”
“Please don’t blame her, and please don’t be mad. I was sharing something with her and it sorta just came out. London, this happens to so many women. When we were in Temecula for Papa Dee’s funeral, I learned that another sis-in-law went through the same thing. And then Dexter’s wife, the one who established a free clinic in San Diego, shared all of these stories about how prevalent this crime is, and how underreported. Mostly because the victims stay silent. Because of the shame. Did you know that one out of four women are likely to be assaulted during their lifetimes?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“It’s a crazy stat, right?” London nodded. “So anyway, we all decided to be part of the solution and fight back.”
“We’re not sure. A video, PSA, blog… The idea is still very much in the planning stages. It would be great if you’d join us. Your star power would mean everything. I know you’re busy and it’s a lot to ask, especially since your coming out is so recent, but—”
“I’ll do it.”
“You will?”
“Absolutely. Since revealing that long-held, shameful secret, my whole life has changed. If I can say something, do something, to get just one young girl to speak up if this crime happens to her, it will give me back some of the power I lost. My predator won’t win.”
Later that evening, just before Ace and London left the party, she got a phone call.
“Hey, Max.”
“Hey there, beautiful. Just called to wish you a happy holiday and to share some news.”
“Happy holidays to you, too. What’s the news?”
“I just bought a place in Manhattan, the Upper East Side. Over five thousand square feet, skyline views, huge patio. I’m planning a big Fourth of July party to break it in, and I’d love you to join me.”
“That sounds amazing, Max. Don’t know when I’ll see it, though. I haven’t gone back to modeling or been traveling a lot lately. It’s the most stationary I’ve been in almost ten years. I’m starting to like it.”
“You’re still the spokesperson for the Her line, though, right?”
“Yeah, I’m still doing that.”
“Then we can hang out during the next fashion week. That’s in September, right, when they show the spring lines?”