Page 73 of Lavish Loving
Tears stained London’s makeup as she rushed to get into position for the first look.
“And with that, ladies and gentlemen, I invite you to sit back and enjoy Her for the Holidays!”
The fashions were bold, innovative, transformative. Jewel-tone sweaters, slacks and dresses. Double-breasted pantsuits, faux-fur skirts underlaid with crinoline, chaps-inspired gaucho pants with thigh-high cowboy boots. Twenty looks, each more amazing than the last. The applause was continuous. Each look was bid on silently. Sales were through the roof.
London shimmied into the showstopping finale, then stood waiting for her cue. When it came, instead of walking down the runway she came toward the audience from the other side of the lake, ice-skating effortlessly on the rink the engineers had configured in a skintight red leather dress with a wide skirt and train. A lone spotlight directed her path. A murmur began as she neared the crowd, developing into an all-out crescendo by the time she reached them. She glided from one side to the other, twirled and spun to show off the dress. The crowd continued to cheer, then began standing. She knew the ending they’d planned was fantastic, but this reaction was almost too much. She spun around, and to her surprise noticed the crowd’s attention was not on her but on another lone skater coming her way. A man in an OTB tux, carrying a single rose.
This hadn’t been rehearsed.
Ace neared her, and London’s heart nearly beat out of her chest. An expert skater, he too delighted the audience with spins and turns. He came directly at her. She instinctually braced herself for being swept up and around. There was a five-minute fireworks display planned before they were to skate back up for a final bow. He reached for her hand. Together they floated on the ice. The crowd went wild.
She chided him while wearing a smile. “You could have warned me.”
“I learned a long time ago that warning you doesn’t work.” He smiled, took her hand and glided toward where Jennifer stood, cordless microphone in hand, to close the show.
“Ace! What are you doing?”
“You’ll know in a minute.”
He reached the lake’s edge, where the Plexiglas covering jutted onto the grass, hidden beneath fake snow.
Jennifer, obviously confused, held up a finger to the crowd and hurried over.
“Wasn’t that the finale?” she whispered. “It was fantastic.”
“Almost,” Ace replied. He nodded toward the microphone she held. “May I?”
“Of course! Not having you speak was a complete oversight.”
She turned to the crowd. “It gives me immense pleasure to formally introduce the wonderful designer of this trendsetting line. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a grand Paradise Cove welcome to Ace Montgomery.”
As one, the crowd broke out in wild applause. The clapping slowly subsided. Jennifer gave Ace the mic.
“You guys are amazing,” he began. “Mrs. Drake, thank you for allowing me the honor of dressing the beautiful women of Paradise Cove while supporting a worthy cause. And for this generous, enthusiastic crowd. Thank you.”
He waited as once again the audience showed their immense appreciation.
“The launch of this line, OTB Her, was successful because of the innovative and inspired designs of a creative and talented fashion team. But they are only part of the reason. The other reason women all over the world are clamoring for these garments is the woman standing beside me and the carefree, confident spirit she exudes every time she walks the runway. One of your own, Paradise Cove… London Drake!”
His public admission of her part in OTB Her’s success was totally unexpected and warmed London’s heart. That and the applause, yells and whistles from the crowd of mostly Paradise Cove residents acknowledging one of their own. Because of her time away from the town, she’d never really felt a connection. Tonight, for the first time, Paradise Cove truly felt like home.
Ace extended the microphone toward her.
“Thank you, everybody, especially my mom, dad and all of my brothers and sisters. Having all of you take a walk in my world is something I will never forget. This night has been amazing.”
“One last thing,” Ace began as the applause died down. “Something else was launched during the unveiling of OTB Her.” He stopped, looking at London.