Page 9 of Lavish Loving
London sat up in genuine surprise. “Why would you say that?”
“Don’t put on that act like you would have cared. You used me up in a one-night stand and walked away without a backward glance.”
“Um, I seem to remember the situation quite differently, and it wasn’t a one-night stand…it was two.”
“How do you remember it?”
“You said you’d call me. You never did.”
Ace rubbed a hand across the shadow of his unshaven jaw. “I don’t remember that. It was a long time ago, though, so you might be right. But so what. You could have called me.”
“Negative, darling. That’s the desperate move of a thirsty girl.”
“Not necessarily. It could be the move of a strong, independent woman who knows what she wants. Like the one who bogarted her way into my bedroom.”
London gave a noncommittal brow raise, nothing more.
“Besides, that wasn’t the last time you saw me. If you had feelings about the weekend we shared, why didn’t you say something?”
“Why didn’t you?”
Ace sighed. “Young. Foolish. I was really digging you, London. But life moved fast back then—a little too fast. By the time I met you, I’d already been on that whirlwind grind for six years. The underwear campaign had blown up into something none of us expected. What was supposed to be a six-month magazine and billboard ad turned into commercials, public appearances, people grabbing at me from every direction.”
“Well…if you were digging me so much, you should have let me know. That’s what a strong man does…goes after what he wants.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Another look at her, his gaze intense. “Is that what the director did?”
“Max and I met at a party. I’ve been working on making the transition from modeling to acting for a while. Asked him for pointers. He suggested I star in his next movie.” She shrugged. “Things went from there.”
“So what happened that made y’all break up? You couldn’t act or what?”
“Whatever, fool!” London reached for a decorative pillow and swung. He grabbed it, laughing.
“Max has a Jekyll and Hyde quality. He can be as charming and debonair as he can be manipulative and controlling. It was an exciting lifestyle but not one I could see myself in for the rest of my life. So I ended the relationship.”
“Got marriage on the mind, huh? That surprises me.”
“I’m full of surprises.” She wriggled her brows, then got serious. “But being ready to get married isn’t one of them.”
Now that the shock of seeing her had worn off, the conversation between them flowed as easily as London remembered from past encounters. She relaxed against the opposite couch arm and idly twirled a curl.
“Yeah, everybody wanted Ace Montgomery. I remember that. How old were you back then, at the height of the underwear frenzy?”
“Really? I thought you were older.”
“How old are you?”
“Now? Twenty-five, with a birthday coming up.”
Ace nodded. “Planning on being on time for this celebration? You were known for being a tardy model back in the day.”
“How’d you know that?”
“The industry talks.”
“Have you ever booked fifteen shows during fashion week? Been pulled in every direction at the same time?” She didn’t give him a chance to respond. “Besides, I work hard to be the best walker on the runway. I’m worth the wait.”
“Had I been the designer and you weren’t on time, there would have been consequences.”
“Sounds like something I might have enjoyed.” Ace fixed her with a scowl. She laughed while making the mental observation that a screwed-up face shouldn’t look so sexy.
“So, you’re what…twenty-nine, thirty?”
A loud, unmistakable sound filled the silence.
“Dang, is that your stomach?”
Ace’s sheepish look made London laugh. “Sorry about that. I’m starving. Went for a run and didn’t schedule enough time between appointments to eat.”