Page 50 of Private Melody
“Sounds good.”
“The meeting will be at the hotel restaurant, The Vista—sixth floor.”
Kianti nodded and shook hands once again with Bose before he headed off.
“We don’t believe you’re willin’ to stick around here another damn night for this,” Khan grumbled once he and the others had crowded around again.
Kianti smoothed a curl behind her ear. “Well, I am so…could I please have someone’s room key? Think I’ll take a nap before this meeting.”
“Take mine.” Brody dug out the card from the back pocket of his trousers. Room 8710. I’ll be up to check on you soon.”
Alone in the elevator, Kianti toyed with pushing for the floor to Therin’s room. She shook off the notion and cursed herself for having it. That ship had sailed. Unfortunately, it had taken her heart along with it.
Later that day, Kianti was happy she had decided to participate in the concert, if only for the chance to take part in the lunch meeting with the other musicians. The gathering was crowded and lighthearted. Many were excited by the idea of the concert and cheered the organization for not letting the drama from the previous evening sway them from their cause. Several people had already sectioned themselves off, having chosen to do special performances together.
“How did you hear about this?” Kianti was asking Shelton Innes, who had already claimed her as his pianist.
Shelton nodded toward the server who had just returned with extra dressing for his salad. “We had a gig in Chi-Town. The EYES drama was all over the news.” He shrugged while drowning lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber in a mound of Ranch dressing. “Geary’s aunt’s a member,” he said, referring to his group’s bass player. “She told him about what they were trying to do and asked if we might be willing to make a stop through.”
“It’s been a real mess,” Kianti noted, blowing a tuft of hair from her eyes and she looked around the room. “The event had all the makings of a real success before all that happened. So where’s everyone else?”
“Trying to snag a vocalist. We don’t just want a host of instrumental pieces. Give ’em a little variety.”
Kianti’s expression was melancholy. “Thanks, Shelton, for asking me to sit in. I wasn’t up for doing a solo.”
“Whatever.” Shelton rolled his eyes and chomped down a mouthful of the drenched salad. “You knew we wouldn’t, couldn’t leave you out there like that.” His brows rose as he sighed. “I was a little surprised though.”
Kianti halted her juice bottle halfway to her mouth. “Surprised?”
“To find you lookin’ so down. Thought you’d be on cloud nine right about now.”
“Well, this is your boy’s event, right? The ambassador.” Shelton’s lashes fluttered in a playful manner.
Kianti couldn’t help but laugh. “Well…the drama at the event wasn’t the only drama of the weekend.”
Shelton raised a hand. “Say no more. Just be ready to play your butt off tonight—drive out all that drama.”
Kianti tilted her bottle in mock toast. She was hoping to do just that.
Bose Cooper was obviously a man proud of his accomplishment. Understandably, he was eager to boast of the surprise concert to his colleagues. He’d arranged for his EYES associates to drop in on the lunch meeting as the gathering reached its end. Sadly, not every one of Bose’s associates shared his excitement over the event.
“What the hell?” Therin’s bright stare was noticeably harsh when it settled on Kianti across the room with Shelton Innes.
“…we even have several performers who we were unable to pull in for last night’s program,” Bose was saying as he answered excited inquiries from the group who joined him at The Vista. “We’ve got quite a variety of musical styles and—”
“Excuse us, folks.” Therin clutched Bose’s arm and gave the man a firm tug.
“Therin—” Bose could say little else stunned as he was by Therin’s behavior just then.
“What the hell is she doing here?”
Bose tilted his head. “I’m sorry, Therin, I don’t—”
“Kianti Lawrence.”
“Ah, Ms. Lawrence! Yes, I was especially proud of persuading her to join us.”
“Bose, she was supposed to leave this morning.” Therin groaned the words, massing the sudden ache at the bridge of his nose.
“I know!” Bose laughed, clapping Therin’s back. “A damn lucky break, I’d say. A diverse as well as entertaining lineup, don’t you think?”