Page 57 of Private Melody
“I’m fine, Wren.” Kianti felt her well-being improve the instant she sat down. Still, Wren worked feverishly, assuring herself that Kianti hadn’t been wounded. “Therin’s been shot, help Vern.” Kianti squeezed the woman’s hand. “Please, Wren.”
Wren gave a quick nod and then ran over to see to the men. Kianti made her way slowly toward the sofa. She stopped halfway, too terrified to go forward and too terrified to turn back.
“I need my bag,” Vern said, grimacing at the clothing that was matted to Therin’s skin by the now-congealing blood. “Wren…”
While Vernon spoke to his wife about the things he’d need to assist Therin, Kianti drew on her courage and went to the sofa. Gently, she brushed her hand along Therin’s face, sobbing then as she leaned close to kiss his cheek and jaw.
“Hang on, please hang on for me…”
“Count on it,” Therin grunted even as a faint smile curved his mouth. “No way am I dying and missing out on all this…pampering.”
Kianti gushed, unashamed, crying and laughing at once.
“Shh…it’s all right, it’s all right,” Therin soothed, though he seemed contented by her emotional display. “Mmm…you’re gonna have to cool it, you know? Vern can only see to one of us at a time and I’ve got first dibs.”
“Therin? I’ve got something here that’ll make you woozy—very woozy,” Wren said as she and Vern returned to work on the wound. Silence settled as she administered the shot.
“Good news,” Vern called once he’d cut away Therin’s jacket and shirts. “Looks like the bullet went straight through.” He examined more closely while nodding. “Yep, straight through, and I can’t see where anything vital’s been hit.”
Tensions eased at the news. Vernon and Wren worked diligently over the patient. They found the bullet that went through Therin’s side, lodged in the heavy padding of the jacket he’d been wearing.
Kianti tried to remain standing close by to offer whatever assistance Vernon and Wren might need. It was clear that she was worn down and completely out. She didn’t argue when Wren bullied her into one of the cushiony recliners in the den off from the kitchen.
“You’re quite a woman, you know?” Wren raved, tucking a heavy patchwork quilt around Kianti once she’d removed her boots so her feet could warm near the fire. “You’ve just saved the life of the man you love.” She kissed Kianti’s temple and left her.
The words filled Kianti with pride and, more important, strength. She smiled serenely and eased into a deep sleep in seconds.
Hours later, Therin woke and found himself looking up into Kianti’s face. Smiling, he snuggled his head deeper into her lap. “Am I dead?” he asked.
“You’re not,” she confirmed.
“Hmph, and here I thought you were an angel.”
“I am.” She shrugged and caressed his mouth with her thumb. “But earthbound just now.”
“I love—”
“I love you,” she said first.
He chuckled weakly. “’Cause I took a bullet?”
Kianti rolled her eyes. “Well…it was a sexy gesture but I felt it was a tad much.”
“I’m sorry.” He’d scarcely completed the apology before her mouth was covering his.
A knock to the bedroom door interrupted them. It was Vernon and Wren come to check on their patient.
Therin reached out to take Vern’s hand. “Thanks, man.” He tugged on Wren’s hand to bring her close and kiss her cheek.
“We’ve got company,” Wren announced after tucking the covers in around Therin and Kianti.
Therin frowned when he saw the familiar face peek inside the opening of the door. “Morgan?” he called, attempting to push himself up before Kianti settled him back against her chest.
“Boss,” Morgan Felts greeted. “Are you two all right?” he asked Kianti, leaning over to squeeze her hand. “Sorry for not getting here earlier.” He smirked at the confusion on their faces. “Guess I’ve been late all the way around. You even managed to take Vaughn down before I could get to him.”
“He was behind it,” Therin answered Kianti, but his eyes never left Morgan’s face. “The threat on you—everything. How did you know?” he asked Morgan.
“I started digging around after what happened with Ruby.” Morgan took a seat in the armchair facing the bed. “I couldn’t get that stage name of hers out of my head. Finally, I remembered where I heard it or, in this case, saw it. I got together with Vaughn one night for drinks at his place. I remember swiping a few of his… DVDs.” He gave a meaningful nod toward Therin, not wanting to come right out and say “porn flicks” in front of Kianti.