Page 59 of Private Melody
Chapter 18
Pacifica, California~One Week Later
“It’s only a flesh wound.”
“It was way more than that.”
“It’s not that now,” Therin argued and leaned close to ply her with another kiss.
“Mmm…no.” She resisted when he snuggled against her. “You can’t overdo anything just yet.”
He dropped his head to her shoulder and groaned. “You really expect us to share a bed and…sleep?”
“Not at all,” she purred.
Seconds later, Therin found himself on his back. Kianti kissed her way down his neck, chest and torso, paying special attention to the ragged scar he now wore along the edge of his toned abdomen. She pleasured him shamelessly. Therin reveled in the feel of it and the sight of his ring glittering on her finger.
“Kia…” he groaned when she stopped much too soon. His disappointment vanished when she eased protection in place and took him inside her.
“Ah, ah, ah.” She pressed her finger to his mouth. “Don’t fight me. Remember, I’ve got permission to hit you if you dare question my strength.”
Therin’s chuckle ended on a groan. The moment passed in an erotic blur.
“So what’d the guys have to say about the engagement?” Therin asked later as they cuddled among the tangle of bed covers.
Kianti giggled on the memory of it. “They started arguing over which of them would give me away. I had to remind them that my dad had first dibs on that job. They’ll be all right.” She smiled while measuring the size of her hand against Therin’s. “Now that I’m back on the pills, everyone’s happy.”
“Including you?” he asked, feeling her bristle a bit as she lay next to him.
“Yes. Yes,” she repeated, following a sigh. “It was like I told Brody, it wasn’t the pills but giving in to the thought that I was weak for taking them.”
“And here I thought it all had to do with me.” Therin buried his handsome face in the crook of her neck.
“Well, it did.” She turned over to face him. “Some of it did but in the end it was something I had to work through…for me.” She traced her thumbnail across his collarbone. “I’ve only got one life, couldn’t take a chance on missing the best part of it.” She leaned close to treat him to a sweet kiss. She noticed the faraway look in his light eyes when she pulled back.
“You’re thinking of your parents,” she guessed.
He blinked, his expression mildly stunned. “How…?”
“You looked the same way when we were in North Dakota and you told me about what happened to them.” She winced. “Sorry for making you remember…”
Therin pressed a kiss to the back of her hand. “The worst part about losing them was the time we missed out on together because of my job. Ironically, it was my job that took them away from me.” His grip on her hand tightened. “So much wasted time.”
“Well, then you and I—” she inched up to plant a kiss to his furrowed brow “—are just gonna have to promise to live and to not waste a second.”
His smile emerged. “That’s gonna be tough…we’re a couple of in-demand folks, you know?”
“Tell me about it.” She slapped his chest with a tuft of her hair. “Guess we’re just gonna have to make the most of every stolen moment.”
Therin gathered her close and rolled her beneath him. “Guess we should get started then.”
They were in the midst of a glorious kissing and fondling session when the phone rang. It stopped when unanswered and then resumed.
“Remind me to find the off switch for that thing,” Therin grumbled against Kianti’s back when she moved to answer. Curiosity shimmered on his face when he heard her woeful groan.
“Hey, Mom…”
Therin took note of the change in her demeanor. She was almost childlike, subdued as she spoke with her mother. There was virtually no trace of the tough, take-no-prisoners woman he’d come to know so well.
“So when do I get to meet your folks?” he lightly inquired once the peculiar call had ended. “I just realized we haven’t even talked about it.” He tugged on a lock of her hair. “You’re not ashamed of me, are you?”
She tried at a smile and failed. “Didn’t want to make a point of discussing them when yours…”
He pulled her into a loose hug. “I love you for thinking of me, but don’t you think I should meet them if we’re going to be family? Unless you’re waiting for us to meet up when your dad walks you down the aisle?”