Page 8 of Private Melody
“Ther, nobody’s heard a damn thing,” Gary Bryce chimed in.
Peter Stanson used the pen he held to gesture toward the file. “I think it’s safe to say that whoever left that crap meant for you to see it first and to decide how best to keep it quiet.”
“By keeping my damn mouth shut,” Therin guessed, walking past the table and swiping a stack of papers to the floor.
Vaughn took advantage of the clean area of the table and helped himself to a seat. “I don’t think it’s as much about keeping your mouth shut as it is about using it to promote other interests.”
“Screw that.” Therin’s voice was monotone.
The other four men in the room exchanged looks. They’d known Therin long enough to know that the flat tone of his voice signified his mood shifting into dark territory.
“Would it really be that much of an issue to throw a little chatter toward your other endeavors?” Peter asked.
Therin turned, pushing hands into the deep pockets of his sweats.
“The pockets you open…there’s enough to go around, right?” The look Peter received then had him swallowing uncomfortably while lifting his hands in submission.
Vaughn reached for the file and perused the lurid film shots. The webpage printouts showed covers of adult DVDs featuring Ruby Loro when she’d come to the U.S. illegally and willing to do anything to stay there.
“We suspected all along that these folks you’re rattling were sons of bitches. All of our research into what few leads we have proves their allegiance is to the manufacture of the weapons and military strength over the education of the nation’s kids,” Vaughn said while shaking his head at the damaging items inside the file. “What they’ve just done proves they’re willing to go to any lengths to draw you over to their side but this…” he groaned. “She’s a sweetheart, Ther. She doesn’t deserve to have this tossed up in her face. She’s not this woman anymore.”
“Hell, you don’t think I know that, V?” Therin’s mood had journeyed into an even darker abyss. “Get her on the phone, G.”
“What are you gonna do?” Peter asked, while Gary made the call.
Therin’s expression was unreadable. “I’ll know that when I talk to her.”
Chapter 3
Kianti’s shoulders slumped when she returned to her suite and found it filled with her travel companions. They each turned to fix her with unfriendly looks when she strolled into the room.
Cube even ceased his raid on the snack safe. “Well, well, look who decided to show up and let us know she wasn’t somewhere havin’ a heart attack!”
Winton was on the phone and only remarked with a slow shake of his head to illustrate his irritation. “Yeah…yeah we should be in by six,” he continued.
“Mmm-hmm.” Khan didn’t look up while he surfed channels. “No note or nothin’. Your cook wasn’t sure whether to start breakfast.” His slanted stare narrowed further when he and Cube dissolved into laughter over the dig at Brody.
Dr. Brody Parker simply leaned against the doorway to the bedroom, arms folded across his chest.
“Can’t I even eat breakfast on my own?” Kianti tossed aside her black tote.
“Ah, breakfast.” Brody pushed off the doorway. “You mean that stuff we practically have to force you to eat?”
“Can’t a person improve their eating habits?”
“Of course, but this is you we’re talkin’ about,” Brody countered.
Kianti threw up her hands. “I don’t want to waste time going back and forth over this.”
“Oh, we know that.” Khan chuckled. “Obviously you prefer spending your time with the ambassador.”
“Hmph.” She folded her arms over her sweater. “And did your spies tell you I was at the table long before he got there?”
“Maybe y’all planned it that way last night,” Cube chided with a sly wink and a mouthful of Skittles.
“Did you take your pill?”
“Yes!” Kianti snapped at Brody’s question.
“That’s funny since, according to my count it doesn’t look like you’ve taken one in over two weeks.”
Kianti stilled but for a moment. “You went through my stuff?” She exploded, her dark gaze more brilliant in the wake of anger.
Feathers unruffled, Brody merely shrugged. “Are you trying to kill yourself?”
“Yes. Yes, Brody, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. Didn’t you see the coffin catalog on the nightstand when you were going through my things?”
The room quieted. Winton had finished his call. Khan shut off the television. The group had had their run-ins regarding Kianti’s outlook toward her health, but never had she gone so far as to shun the pills which kept her heart rate stable. The sudden spikes in pulse had plagued Kianti since childhood.