Page 16 of Embrace My Heart
She curved her fingers into his shirt, a bit deeper that time. “You won’t hurt me.”
“I’d die first,” he swore, cupping her face and gently squeezing where he held her. “You don’t need someone as volatile as me in your life.”
“But you want me.”
Her simple observation had the potential to weaken every part of him.
“You’re right. I do,” he admitted with a shrug and a grin. “You’ve got no idea how much.”
The sensual saxophone piece had segued into another instrumental selection, equally moving and romantic.
“You can have me. I want the same,” she said directly against his ear.
Stroking his knuckles across her jaw, Qasim felt himself teetering dangerously close to the verge of total weakness. “You’re sweet with no idea of what you’re saying to me.”
She pulled her hand from his face. “I may be sweet, but I’m no innocent, Qasim. We’re not involved with anyone else. We’ve been friends—”
“And I wish we could be just that, but I want you in my bed too damn bad. That’s evident, isn’t it?”
It was. The added inches her heels provided put them eye to eye, chest to chest, hip to hip. The impressive proof of his words was a thick, lengthy ridge against her thigh.
“I’m not complaining,” her voice carried on scarcely a breath; it was that faint.
“Babe, you don’t understand.”
Confusion claimed her expression. “Then explain it to me. Are you afraid I’ll become clingy? I can assure you I’m not a clingy woman.”
Again, laughter softened the excellent craftsmanship of his face. “No, Vec, I’m not afraid of that.” A man would have to be brain-dead not to want Vectra Bauer clinging to him.
“I’m not looking for an involvement, Qasim.” Her face changed, something haunted claiming it that time. “I’ve had enough of the committed-relationship game to last me a lifetime.”
Qasim averted his head, hiding the sinful flex of a jaw muscle when he heard her outlook.
Applause interrupted their budding conversation as the guest of honor was announced. Qasim and Vectra turned to follow the direction of the spotlight trained on the wide stairway leading down from the establishment’s VIP area. Robb DeWitt was finally making his entrance.
Vectra eased her clapping to finger a tear from her eye. She was sure the reaction hadn’t been brought on by happiness, but frustration. Whatever the reason, she couldn’t make herself resist Qasim’s touch. He’d pulled her back to relax next to his chest to watch as their friend greeted his guests.
Chapter 5
“When are you gonna marry that beauty, Sim?” Robb DeWitt’s sparkling hazel stare held challenge and amusement as he looked from Qasim to Vectra, who stood across the room.
Qasim shook his head. “I’d drive her crazy inside of a week.”
“Ha! You know more about married life than you realize.” Robb chuckled. “If you’re not driving each other crazy by the first week, you’re doing something wrong.”
There was more laughter between the friends. Qasim sobered first.
“She doesn’t know what she’d be getting into with me.”
“Mmm... Army stuff?” Robb queried.
Qasim settled deeper into the armchair he occupied near Robb’s spot at the front of the room. Additional chairs had been arranged in a semicircle around the man’s towering royal blue chair to give the air of a king meeting his subjects.
Qasim massaged his eyes, considering his response to Robb’s question. “Not in the way you mean, but it plays a role.”
“Ahh...and you don’t think she could understand it?”
“Hmph, I’m not sure I even understand it, Robb.”
“But you guys are here together—”
“We didn’t come together.”
Robb nodded, his expression smug. “Well, judging from what Davia saw on the dance floor, it looks like you’ll be leaving together.”
Qasim broke into soft laughter. “Does that woman miss anything?”
Robb looked over at his wife, who was chatting with Vectra. “She doesn’t miss much, especially when it’s so hard to miss.”
“She’s not for me,” Qasim repeated, the words fast becoming his personal slogan.
“Do you realize that you’re probably only one of a few men in this place who thinks that?”
Qasim propped his fist beneath his jaw and studied Vectra talking on the other side of the dining room. “She’s an angel, Robb. She doesn’t need a man who can’t control his temper when it comes to the way other men behave around her.”