Page 30 of Embrace My Heart
The meeting was drawing to a close. The board had trickled out first, followed by most of the Wilder executive staff. Only Minka and Will remained along with Qasim and Vectra. Robb DeWitt had gone to handle closing procedures with his staff. Minka was the first of the foursome to say her good-nights. And then, there were three.
* * *
Qasim’s sour mood went from bad to worse. He’d almost forgotten how talkative his old friend could be—especially when the topic opened up to old army stories. Will’s favorite: how he’d saved Sim’s life.
The retelling of his least flattering moment was a story Qasim could’ve done without. Still, he was willing to sit through it for the opportunity to study Vectra’s reaction. He watched the expressions change on her lovely face and was intrigued by the horror and honest concern he witnessed as she listened to detail after detail of the events leading up to his traumatic ordeal.
A woman’s love and affection can be the best kind of therapy, Robb DeWitt had said.
Qasim realized how very much he wanted to experience what they meant firsthand. Furthermore, he wanted to experience them with Vectra Bauer, regardless of what all his damned voices of reason told him.
He wanted her, and she’d made it more than clear that she wanted him. He’d never been one to deny going after what he really wanted. The reasons he’d denied himself seemed flimsy. Maybe once he’d given in to his curiosity about what she was like in bed, he could move on. He didn’t buy that for a second, but it sounded good.
Qasim tuned back into his table partners. Will had evidently wrapped up his war story and was working on snagging an invite back to Vectra’s.
* * *
Vectra was silently warning herself not to look across the table at Qasim. It wouldn’t be a pretty sight, she knew, given the fact that he’d already threatened one of their best friends with bodily harm for simply wanting to pick up a phone to call her. Having his employee, old army buddy or not, offer to take her home had to be weighing heavy on the flimsiest tether of his restraint.
She stood. “Thanks for the offer, Will. Um—” she eased her tote strap across her shoulder “—I’ve got my car.”
She had to admit she was rather taken aback by the offer. For most of the night, Will Lloyd had been friendly and engaging. Now, she all too easily recognized the more suggestive tinge to his manner. Obviously, she’d been more fixed on Qasim than she thought. She’d completely misread what Will was putting out.
“I don’t mind driving your car,” Will flirted outlandishly, standing too and nudging Vectra’s shoulder with his own. “I could take a cab from your place in the morning.”
Vectra looked to Qasim, noting that some new demonic element had rippled to life in his dark stare.
“Um, Will—” she patted his arm “—maybe another time.” She paused, observing that her unintentional promise had brought Qasim to his feet. She swallowed hard. “Good night.” Quietly, she left the table having no desire to linger and witness the upcoming carnage of Will Lloyd’s soon-to-be-broken body strewn about the Dazzles dining room.
* * *
Will followed Vectra’s departure, his attractive features alight with approval. “Damn, she’s something else. I wouldn’t mind—” He gave a start, turning to find Qasim right next to him.
“Sim, man, what—”
“Stay away from her.”
Will gaped. “Sim?”
“You don’t talk to her.” Qasim breathed the words with stony intensity while stoically observing the man. “I get that it’s damn near impossible not to look at her, but you’d do well to remember to make those glances brief if I’m anywhere around. Am I understood?”
Stunned, Will could only manage a few rapid nods. Robb returned to the dining room, and Qasim went to say his good-nights. Alone, Will settled his weight to the edge of the round table where he fought to slow his breathing.
* * *
Vectra returned home in time to take one of the housekeepers up on an offer for a pot of tea. She was still a little too unsteady for sleep after having practically sped home, and appreciated the offer. While her tea was being prepared, she headed up to change into more suitable lounge attire. She returned downstairs to see off the housekeeper for the evening. She then indulged in the steamy pot of jasmine tea the woman had been so kind to set out in the library.
The night had turned cool, and the tea satisfied dual needs for warmth and nerve-soothing. Of course, Vectra realized the nerve-soothing would probably require a little more work. She considered spiking the tea with a touch of coconut rum.
She’d known Qasim well over two years. Until that night, she would have bet good money on the fact that he was one of the most even-tempered men she knew. Most often, that had to be the face he normally wore, but earlier that evening, she’d glimpsed the dangerous man he told her lurked inside.