Page 51 of Embrace My Heart
“Hey.” Qasim turned her in his arms.
Vectra focused her stare as though mentally snapping herself back into the situation. “I won’t get done here till late,” she explained.
“You think I mind?” His words were a gruff purr as he proceeded to drop kisses along her neck.
It occurred to Vectra that they were standing virtually in sight of everyone left in the gallery. The event had been a rousing success. Yancey Croachman had sold every canvas, with offers for more pieces and showings following her next appearance at Vectra’s Gallery V–Miami in less than three weeks.
Just then, however, the success of the event wasn’t Vectra’s top thought. Instead, it was what Qasim’s mouth was doing to her earlobe that had her full attention.
“Do you know where we’re standing?” she asked softly.
“Hadn’t thought about it,” he murmured, obviously more focused on what his mouth was doing, as well.
“We’re standing in the middle of the second-floor balcony.” The area in question overlooked the first floor and was visible to everyone in the gallery.
Qasim’s hand firmed on her hip, keeping her in place. “There a reason I need to know that?”
Vectra jerked in response. His free hand was suddenly occupied by what it found inside the bodice of her dress. “I thought you’d want to know everyone can see us from here.” Her words were a lazy drawl.
“So?” Her gasp drew his pitch-black stare to her face. “That a problem for you?”
“No, I just—”
“I said—”
“Said what?”
She slapped his shoulder. “Stop it.”
“Stop what? This?” He resumed the deft feasting upon her earlobe.
He smiled, perfect teeth latching to her diamond-studded lobe. Eventually, he took pity. “What are you trying to tell me, V?”
Vectra took a second or three to steady her breathing. “I said I was all right with just sex, but if we keep this up, people will think we’re in some kind of relationship.”
“And that would be a bad thing?”
“No, I—”
“What? What are you saying?”
She stilled, dropping her stare to the banded collar of the white shirt beneath his dark suit jacket.
“Do you want to discuss this here?” he asked.
“Um, no. I—no.” She collected herself, remembering the business at hand. “We’ve got a little thing after the showing with the artist and her people. It’s our usual wrap-up.”
“Mmm-hmm.” He sounded utterly disinterested and resumed his maddening nibble at her ear. “Come to me when you’re done?”
“Sim.” She paused to swallow down emotion. “We need to talk.”
“We’ll talk, too.”
Exasperated, yet unable to pose the slightest argument over it, Vectra rested her forehead to Qasim’s chest.
He propped her chin up with the curve of his fist. “You okay?”
“Things are spinning,” she said on a breath. “I was okay with sex,” she latched on in a bewildered tone.
His responding smile was adorable in its intensity. He’d set her completely off kilter and it thrilled him.
“I’m okay with sex, too, babe.” He shook his head. “You’ve made it impossible for me to accept only that, though.”
Great, she thought.
He wanted more and there she was about to overstep into matters that were none of her business. Not to mention the fact that she’d be putting the man who saved his life in a bad light. This wasn’t going to be fun, but perhaps it was necessary and for more reasons than one.
Overstepping had once shown her the true colors of a man she thought she’d known all too well. Her conscience called her reasoning unfair. She knew it was without having to be told.
Forcing a smile, she smoothed the lapels of his jacket. The shirt beneath it called for no tie and settled her attention to the base of his throat for a time.
“I need to go home to the vineyard tonight.” She met his gaze with hers. “Will you come there?”
Something changed in his eyes, and he lowered his head a fraction. “Understand that if I come there, I stay the night.”
“Understood.” She knew he’d probably not stay long past her accusing his old friend of being a thief.
Invading the rest of her personal space, Qasim brushed his mouth across the corner of hers. “I love you,” he said.
He was gone before her shock over the admission took hold.
Chapter 15
Vectra was pleased to find the main house vacated when she returned from the showing well after midnight. Qasim had not arrived, so she used the time to change out of the gorgeous gown and into her standard lounge attire of sleep pants and a cotton halter tee.