Page 53 of Embrace My Heart
Vectra squeezed his shoulders and attempted to steady herself against the banister. She slid her hands up, raking the silky whiskers shading his face. Upwards she traveled, until her fingers curled into the hair sleekly capping his head. She tried to direct him to take her into his mouth. Useless. He seemed content with tormenting her into oblivion with the scintillating glides his tongue made about her areola.
Qasim carried out the act while pulling Vectra from the banister to continue their ascent to the third level.
Vectra could sense the change in lighting behind her closed lids as they ventured to the upper, dimmer floors. She reveled in Qasim’s strength and sense of direction. His abilities allowed her to focus only on what he was doing to her body. She heard a door slam, and her eyes opened with a flutter of lashes to discover they were passing through the outer room of her bedroom suite.
Moments later, Vectra felt the semifirm cushioning of the mattress beneath her back. He took possession of one of her nipples, and her body became a sensual arc.
Qasim finally obliged her. Sucking as though he were famished, he manipulated one nipple with his tongue and teeth while he exquisitely tortured the other beneath his thumb.
Vectra cursed the snug sleep pants still hugging her lower half. Her hips commenced a wicked sway beneath his. She gasped, wrecked by the triple sensations stemming from his mouth, fingers and the deliciously ridged arousal pressed against her.
Qasim muttered something incomprehensible. Her nudges against his erection were driving him out of his mind. Well...more out of his mind than he’d already been driven by her, eager and beautiful beneath him.
Blindly, he groped for the barrier still separating her from his touch. The pants she wore proved no match for the insistence of his fingers once they’d curled into the material and wrenched it free of her body.
“Dammit, Sim!” she gasped when the material ripped. “They were my favorite.”
“I’ll make it up,” he soothed.
It was no use. She was newly dismayed when her achy, glistening nipples were suddenly abandoned. Vectra lashed out to skim his shoulder with a fist, but she only hit air. Opening her eyes, she saw that he’d sat up to remove his shirt.
Vectra was quite pleased by the opportunity to watch the material slowly peel away to reveal the muscle-packed licorice plane of his chest. Her nipples ached with renewed awareness, yearning to feel the sleek wall against her.
Qasim’s intentions ran along a different course, however. Once he’d discarded the shirt, he spread her thighs to accommodate his wide frame. Vectra’s heart jumped into her throat, beating in sync with the slow thrum of her need. Eagerly, she anticipated his next move.
Qasim set his thumb against her clit. His dark eyes narrowed as he watched Vectra’s reactions. She bit down on her bottom lip and rolled her hips when he used his other thumb to circle a nipple in slow sweeps.
The move sent sparks of erotic radiation throughout her sex-hungry body. Her hips bucked right off the bed when Qasim claimed the heart of her in one potent tongue thrust. He gripped her hips, steadying her without ever breaking his oral claim on her core. Vectra felt him drop several possessive taps to her thigh—a warning to stay put.
Sensually vexed, she spread her hands up and outward over the bed, sheltering them beneath the hoard of pillows near the top. Slowly, she rocked her hips in time to the thrusts and rotations of his tongue.
Qasim’s hunger had reached insatiable heights. His arousal was a painful ache below his waist, made more so due to the fact that it was still confined behind his trousers.
Amidst her pleasure haze, Vectra angled her foot beneath Sim’s waist to test the extent of his need. She smiled brightly when he shuddered in response.
Vectra’s naughty move was the final straw for Qasim. He pushed up once more, this time to relieve himself of his pants, shoes, socks and boxers. He snagged several condom packets from his trousers before tossing the garment free of the bed.
Power and passion surged through Vectra like some enhanced version of adrenaline. Easily, she pushed Qasim to his back and took possession of the condoms. With a drugging touch, she applied their protection while dragging her tongue from Qasim’s collarbone, down his sternum, across the devastating array of abdominal muscles and finally teasing his navel. She straddled his body, her back to him, and eased the casing over his shaft, which was as impressive in length as it was in girth.
Her lips parted on a soft sigh as she anticipated the enticing endowment inside her. Milliseconds after setting the condom in place, she felt her hips seized in a viselike hold. Qasim lifted and settled her with exquisite mastery, her back facing him, and proceeded to stretch her with his throbbing solidness.