Page 29 of Saylor
“We’re looking for someone to head up the physical education department. Mainly a gym teacher for the elementary kids, along with organizing any extracurricular activities that you feel would be beneficial for the students.”
“I don’t have a teaching degree,” Owen explains.
“You graduated with a Bachelor’s from LAU, correct?”
“Well, yeah, but––”
“Then, your credentials are sufficient for the position. Unless you’re already employed…?” Artie’s voice trails off while I fight the urge to cringe.
The bastard knows exactly what he’s doing. Artie’s a Nosey Nancy and was probably eavesdropping on our conversation from earlier, already privy to the fact that Owen doesn’t currently have a job. It doesn’t seem like he’s in a rush to find anything, either. He’s probably been living off his endorsements of a few sports drinks and physical therapy equipment that got his stamp of approval after his surgery. He also made bank when he was helping recruit high school students to sign with LAU, so….
“I wanted to make sure Grady and I were fully settled before searching for anything long-term,” Owen explains. His attention darts over to me. “But I’d love the opportunity to be close to Grady during the day, and I’ve always gotten along with kids. Plus, it’s athletics, which is important for children, so….”
“So, you’ll say yes?” Principal Wells concludes with a quirked brow.
“Uh….” A dazed Owen nods, though I’m not sure who he’s trying to convince, himself or Principal Wells. “Sure?” He looks over at me, and his resolution solidifies. “I don’t plan on going anywhere for the foreseeable future, so I’d love to be considered for the position.”
“Perfect. As long as the background check comes back clean, then the job is yours. If you have any questions, you’re welcome to speak with me or Miss Swenson.” Artie motions to me with a look of pride that nearly knocks me on my ass. “She’s being considered for the vice-principal position next year, you know.”
Wait. What is happening right now?
“Really?” Owen asks, intrigued.
“She’s young, but we think she has a great deal of potential,” Artie explains like I’m not standing two feet away from him. “I’m sure she would love the opportunity to demonstrate her value in regards to it, so don’t hesitate to reach out to her if you need anything.”
Are you freaking kidding me right now?
Owen smirks as he looks me up and down. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Our current VP, Ms. Rasmussen, can get you the official application as soon as the Fun Run concludes. Once everything is filled out, and your background check comes back clean, you should be able to start on Monday.”
The whirlwind makes me nauseated, but I swallow it back. “Wait. Are you sure you’re interested?”
Artie’s nostrils flare. “I thought we already discussed this, Miss Swenson––”
“It’s fine,” Owen interjects, offering his hand for Principal Wells to shake. “I look forward to working with both of you.”
Artie takes it with a firm grasp before Owen turns to me and does the same. Which means we have to touch. And I’m not sure I can handle it. Not after everything we’ve been through. I’ve been avoiding this very moment like it’s the plague. I look over at Principal Wells, who’s staring right back at me with a look that says, What’s taking you so long?
Just shake his damn hand, Saylor. It isn’t rocket science.
Tingles race up my spine as soon as my palm touches his while I say a silent prayer that he doesn’t notice the way I’m shaking like a leaf.
This can’t be happening.
This can’t be happening.
This can’t be happening.
The chant gains momentum inside me as my vision starts to blur with the severity of the situation I just witnessed. I can barely stand to be in the same room with this guy, let alone being asked to work with him on a weekly, if not daily, basis. I’ll be screwed.
Irrevocably screwed.
I should’ve never messaged him last night. I should’ve never bitten his head off today for asking a simple question about my family. And I sure as hell should’ve never mentioned the fact that he hasn’t even bothered to look for a real job since he moved back.