Page 96 of Saylor
“Don’t mention it, Owen.”
A snowball explodes at our feet, cutting off our conversation as giggles ensue from the snow-covered front lawn. My neck snaps toward the culprits.
Feigning innocence, Saylor points at Grady. “He did it!”
Grady’s jaw drops. “Uh-uh! Say did it!”
“Nope. Totally Grady,” she teases.
He grabs her waist and tries to tackle her but can’t get any traction from the powdery snow.
“Why. Won’t. You. Fall?” he growls through bouts of giggles, his little legs sliding across the ground as if he’s on an ice rink.
Say’s hair blows in the wind as she cackles even louder. “Muah-hahaha! I’m the all-powerful Snow Goddess!”
I laugh and pat Brock on the back. “I better get that carrot they were asking for before the Snow Goddess throws another snowball at us.”
“Hey! It was Grady!” Say yells.
“Uh-huh, sure,” Brock returns before calling out, “Grady! Go for her knees! Go for her knees, boy!”
Chuckling under my breath, I go and grab a carrot from the kitchen before my heavy boots carry me back to where I belong.
With Say and Grady.
The house was dark when I got home later that night, but I climbed into bed and fell asleep with a hesitant smile etched into my skin. The day was perfect. And the next morning, I find out that I’m not the only one who had a memorable Sunday evening. I feel like I entered the Twilight Zone as soon as I woke up to the sound of Liam sneaking out our front door.
“So, let me get this straight,” I ask, my eyebrows pinched as I interrogate a very happy Skye for the hundredth time since she spilled the beans this morning. “You’re getting divorced?”
“Yup. I’m getting divorced,” Skye announces.
“But you love him,” I conclude.
“And he proposed.”
A big, dopey grin stretches across her face, and she looks down at her hand resting against the kitchen counter. It’s sporting a gorgeous new engagement ring.
“Yup,” she answers.
My brain feels like it’s short-circuiting as I try to piece together the information she’s thrown my way.
Rubbing my temples, I confirm, “And you said, ‘Yes.’”
“Sure did,” she replies.
“And you’re moving out?”
She nods. “Right again, my friend.”
“Are you moving back into his parents’ house?”
Skye was a live-in nanny for Liam’s little brother before Liam screwed everything up by returning home and asking Skye for a gigantic favor in the form of a fake marriage that wound up becoming very real.