Page 115 of Our Way
I stare up at him in shock.
“I don’t want to be friends anymore. I have feelings for you, and I have had for months.”
“I want to be lovers. I want you to know the other side of me. I can’t take it anymore. I know I’ve been acting weird but it’s because my feelings have changed.”
“How can you possibly like me?” I whisper.
He stares at me, as if he’s searching for the right thing to say.
“You… you told me yourself,” I splutter. “You told me on the first day we met that I was the wrong sex for you.” I begin to feel confused and hurt and I step back from him. I need some distance between us.
“I didn’t plan on this, Eliza.”
“You told me you liked Stephanie just this weekend.” I throw up my hands in disgust. “So, what? You like us both now? So, you’re like a straight player now? Should I take a fucking ticket and get in line?”
“I don’t want her. I want you.”
“Then why did you tell me you liked her?”
“Because I was going to try and go out with her to see if I could make my body work with a woman’s.”
I stare at him, my mind a clusterfuck of confusion. His body, work with a woman.
“What does that mean?” I frown.
“I wanted to see what would happen with a woman.”
He clenches his lips together as if not wanting to elaborate.
“Nathan?” My blood begins to boil.
“I saw her,” he says quickly. “But she has nothing to do with us.” He reaches for me, and I pull away.
He went to her?
He likes me but he went to her?
That green-eyed monster appears again. “And did your body work with hers, Nathan?”
“That’s the only fucking thing you heard in that sentence?”
“Did you have sex with Stephanie or not?”
“I’m not discussing Stephanie with you.”
“So, you did?” I shriek.
He glares at me.
Something inside of me snaps. “You’re an asshole,” I whisper angrily. “You say you’ve had feelings for me for months, yet you go and sleep with another woman the before you tell me?” My eyes well with tears. “How could you?”
Blind betrayal is all I see.
“I didn’t have sex with her.”