Page 163 of Our Way
“Thank you.” I pick up the phone. “Hello.”
“Hey, man.”
I smile broadly. “What do you want?”
“Guess where I am?”
I swing on my chair. “I don’t care.”
“San Fran.”
“You are? What for?”
“I had a meeting that was supposed to be in Boston and it got changed to here late last night.”
“How long are you here for?”
“I catch the red-eye out tonight. Do you want to catch up for a drink after work?”
“Yeah.” I smile. “Sounds good. What time’s your meeting?”
“I should be finished by three.”
“I’ll reschedule my last few appointments. Call me when you’re finished for the day.”
“You got it, bye.”
I hit the intercom. “Maria.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
“What are my last few appointments this afternoon?”
“It’s an easy afternoon. You have Mr. Griffin in at three to go through his results, and then you have a consult with Mrs. Anderson in at four.”
“Can you call them and try to reschedule until tomorrow, please?”
“Of course.”
“How did you get on with the removal service?” I ask.
“They just got back to me. They can do a load tomorrow at six in the evening if you want.”
I think for a moment. “Can you book that in, please? It won’t be the full apartment, but book them again for Saturday morning to do the remainder of the furniture, if that’s okay. Tell them that some of it may be going into storage.”
Merging two apartments full of furniture into one is going to be a nightmare.
“Of course, Doctor.”
I hang up and dial Eliza’s number.
She answers on the first ring. “Hi.”
Her sexy voice brings a smile to my face, and I swivel on my chair. “Hello.”
“What are you doing?” I can tell she’s smiling.
“Not you, unfortunately.”