Page 243 of Our Way
I inhale deeply as I close my eyes and repeat my mantra.
No tears. No more tears.
I thought I was braver than this. I don’t know why this break up has messed me up so hard but I’m going to pull myself together. I really am.
I have to.
“Is this seat taken?” a man asks.
“No.” I shuffle over to make room for him, and he takes a seat.
The bus travels along the road, and I stare up at the moon.
It’s big and round and I wonder if Nathan is looking up at it, too.
I get off the bus and arrive at my building. I see a familiar face, and I run to her.
April has surprised me, and I jump into her arms.
Feeling the safety of her love brings down my walls, and I find myself crying into her shoulder.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m here now. I’ve got you,” she whispers as she holds me tightly.
And for the first time in so long, I feel safe. April’s here.
I feel loved.
I copy the number from my computer screen into my phone, and I wait as it rings.
“Hello, Laser Clinic,” the chirpy voice answers.
I swivel in my chair. “Hello, I would like to make an appointment for a consultation, please. I’ll need the latest in the day or after business hours, if possible.”
“Of course, what is the consult in regards to?”
“Tattoo removal.”
I can hear her typing into her computer. “And what and where is the tattoo you want removed?”
“Lower right side, rib cage, and it’s of three birds.”
“Okay, did you want them fully removed?”
“Yes, completely gone.”
“And how long have you h
ad them for?”
I frown as I think. “About five or six months.”
“Oh, so they are relatively new?”
It feels like a lifetime ago since I got them. “I guess.”